A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Thursday, March 19, 2015

{Ten for Tuesday...I mean WIDW...Nope, It's Thursday!}

WOW! Time has literally flown by since last Tuesday, Wednesday, THURSDAY!  I have had something going on pretty much every night for nearly two weeks. Either something to attend or something that was a must do. 

I'm going to go for the trifecta and hit Ten for Tuesday, What I'm doing Now, and Three for Thursday....Let's see... 

10 Things that are on my mind...

1. I am so thankful that my brother and sister-in-law treated me to The Lion King for my 30th birthday. [Yes, I am aware that I am 31.]  IT WAS AMAZING! Lisa and I had a great time enjoying appetizers and drinks before the show catching up on life and it was a fun night out!


So excited!! 

Our traditional party pic selfie!

2. Pretty excited to get some new running shoes this week! I am glad that I was able to find and stick with a style and fit that works for me. I really love Brook's, but they always run a bit on the pricey side. Saucony's have served me well with an affordable price tag. This also means I get to now wear my old running shoes (that still look pretty new) as everyday shoes. I only wear my running shoes to run in therefore they do not get very dirty. 

3. I haven't been in my classroom since Tuesday and it's helped me free my brain.I internalize so much that goes on with my kiddos it breaks me down. My team had our all day planning session on Wednesday. It had to be rescheduled because of snow days. It just so happened to fall the day before (today) my KTIP intern and I scheduled her last in-class observation day. That just happened to fall right before the day I scheduled (about two months ago) a few doctor's appointments. It's been a pretty productive few days. 

4. I decided to eat lunch with the class that I was in today. First graders are way different than 5th graders. One told me all about how she calls one of my students "honey bun" because he is so cute. Then they thought it was hilarious that I could remember their names. They also tried to convince me that the barbecue sauce that I was dipping my chicken nuggets in was hot sauce. Such great lunch conversation!

5. I am in the middle of my Entry 2 for National Boards. I video taped 5, yes FIVE lessons over the course of five days. That's a lot to deal with. Fingers crossed that I will be able to find one good 15 minute section that I can highlight. My kiddos made it tough a few days.

6. I am being observed by my principal this coming Monday. I'm sure it will be fine, but the anticipation of an observation is never fun. 

7. I have to write a paper for my Bellarmine Literacy Class that's due next Thursday. 

8. I'm running a 10K on Saturday. My goal is to beat my time from the fall. 

9. I'm wanting to build my Spring Break reading list. I'm open to recommendations! Currently I only have The One and Only Ivan.

10. I really like March Madness, but I do not like the side it brings out of some people. Yes, I am aware that I should not (and I do not) take what people say seriously, but it stills says something about the type of person they are.  

What I'm Doing Now...

Wondering if Derek did or did not cheat on Meredith... #pleaseno

Three KP Quotes for Thursday...
1. "Be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody."

2. "Be cool to people even if they are not cool to you, because somebody was probably not cool to them."

3. "Give the world a reason to dance. It's everybody's duty to do that." 

How are things in your neck of the woods?!?!?!



  1. I agree, the anticipation of being observed is never good! Good luck with your 10k this weekend.
    I hate how pricey running shoes are, mine never stay very clean even if I only do use them for running. but I think that has a lot to do with the dirt roads and cow trails I run on :) Have a great week!

  2. People get ALL sorts of crazed during March Madness.... take cover here in town with all the BBall fans!
    Good luck at the 10k tomorrow!
