A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Monday, March 2, 2015

March Currently

I cannot believe it's already March. February always go by pretty quickly and then comes March. March always brings the hope of warmer weather and lucky days and is a necessary step in getting to the wonderful week that is known to many as SPRING BREAK! :) 

Linking up with Oh' Boy 4th Grade for March's Currently...

Listening: I am just not a music person. Never have been. If I listen to music it's usually country. It just always takes me forever to learn the words to songs and then I never learn the names of songs or can figure out who sings them. Just not my thing.

Loving: I am grading everything at school now! I am not bringing anything home and it's making things less stressful in terms of always having something to grade. Even if it takes me a little bit longer before on Friday's before I leave it's totally worth it. 

Thinking: Every day is one day closer to SB 2015! Two weeks off if a glorious "reward" for how this year has been going. I'm earning my days off for sure! Then once I get back to school it'll be time to get ready for testing and the end of the year. AH-MAZING. I can do it, I can do it! 

Wanting: I do not mind the snow, but I'm currently training for a serious of spring races (5K, 10K, 10 Miler, and 1/2 marathon) and I miss the sidewalks. They will hopefully be back by the end of the week. At least it's warm when running on the treadmill. My face appreciates it..lol. 

Needing: I need to log the hours my KTIP intern and I have met this year to track her progress. She has grown so much this year and definitely set the bar high for other interns that I may mentor. 

Spring Break Plans: 1) Hanging out with Ryann and Lillian are definite musts. I cannot get enough of their sweet faces. 2) I am not sure of what books I am going to dive into, but I am sure that I'll find something by then. 3) I am thankful that I am only re-submitting one portfolio entry for National Boards. It is due May 15th, but I think getting it finished a month ahead of time will definitely help me edit and revise. 




  1. Good Luck on the national board entry! Crossing my fingers over here in Michigan!

    Two weeks for spring break?!?!? How awesome is that! I hope you enjoy!

    1. Thanks! I'll take all of the fingers crossed I can. Second time will hopefully be the charm!

      We only have one week of spring break, but I am heading to Denver for a conference the week after! I am soooooo excited. I've never been to a big conference, but less one so far away in a place I've never been! :)

  2. 29 days until Spring Break! Oh man! We only have 9!!!! I couldn't make it 29!
    Melissa Leach
    Leach Teach

    1. You can do it! We just had a week off for snow days so it's okay Spring Break isn't for a bit. Hope you enjoys yours!

  3. I can't believe Spring Break is around the corner for kids... feels more like Christmas break. I know things can change quickly around here though.

    1. It does seem crazy that Spring Break is right around the corner...especially with all of these snow days. Kentucky is a great state for multiple seasons within a short amount of time! :)
