A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Gosh, I've been pretty MIA again lately. So much to-do and so little time. I've always wondered how "real" bloggers actually keep up with things. It completely baffles me how teachers have the most up-to-date posts, TpT stores, families, lives ect. I honestly do not get it. Am I doing something wrong?!?!? Nope. My life is just different than theirs. :) I have a lot to share, but for now I'll stick with April's Currently linky partay with Oh' Boy 4th Grade.

Listening: We have had a lot of rain here lately in Louisville. So much, we had to sit in the hall at school about 30 minutes past dismissal last Thursday and school was cancelled Friday. There has been A LOT of flooding going on. It's rained every day this week and is expected to continue. That's okay...no rain can ruin this Spring Break parade. I've been to the book store multiple times and timed my runs to fit in-between storms. 

Loving: I really do not think that there is much more to explain past the two words....

Thinking: As much as I try to be completely lazy it's hard. I like to be moving about and productive should be my middle name. I enjoy crossing things off of a good ole' to-do list. Tomorrow I do have to stop by school and finalize my sub plans for next week. I'll be in DENVER!!!!! So stoked! I am going to the dentist too. 

Wanting: I'm ready. I am not a fan of wishing time away, but spring break is such a tease for summer. It's what I'm living for this year. Not literally, but I'll be happy when it gets here. It really isn't that far away either. I CAN DO IT! 

Needing: AHHHHHHHHH! I am pretty good at NOT procrastinating and this procrastination really hasn't happened on purpose. It's just not at the TOP of my right-now list. I NEED MUST work on my entry tonight. I am meeting with my group on Friday and I need to be able to take something to the table. I have taught my unit, video tapped 6 lessons, collected all of my evidence. I just need to get everything on paper. Then I can focus on editing and revising to get it just right. THINK FOUR MORE POINTS FOR ME PEOPLE! 

EGGS-plain you name: Welp, it's pretty simple. I have an older brother and a younger brother. I am smack dap in the middle. Three years separates me from both of them. I am their rose and they are my thorns. HA! I really think that I am one of the most blessed in the sibling department. They are amazing in so many ways and I am thankful to have such a wonderful relationship with them both (and their wives too!).

What are you currently up to?!?!



  1. I hear you on the spring break thing! It has been MUCH NEEDED. Major props for doing NB. I looked into it, and I am definitely not ready yet! Good luck with it!

    Mrs. Garcia's Super Scholars

  2. The rains have been RIDUCLOUS!!!!
    Enjoy that Spring Break!!!

    1. It doesn't take much to enjoy multiple days off of work and responsibilities! ;)

  3. Wow I can't imagine so much rain that school gets cancelled! That must have been some major flooding! Hope you enjoyed Spring break though!

    Butterflying Through Teaching
