A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Three Favorites...

I didn't have time, or the energy, to reflect on a Tuesday's Ten yesterday because of a pretty tough headache. I prepped a few things for school today (that were not needed because of a snow rain day). I decided to link up with Teaching Trio to share a few of my favorites. Some people shared favorite school supplies, favorite after-testing activities, ect. I thought I would share something a little different... I think everyone needs a way to let things go and I feel like I have to be pretty good at them because of being a teacher.   

Run: I ran some back in the day, but I enjoy it so much more with my running 2.0 journey. I really think it helps clear the mind. I am able to release so much tension and worry. Looking back, when I had a running lapse in Nov./Dec. I was more "stressed" and didn't feel the best. I can tell that running helps me let things go...especially after a tough day at school. I can take it all out on the pavement. 

Write: I started writing in a journal when I was in around the 4th or 5th grade. I used to write every single day, but as I have gotten older I have only sporadically stuck with it. I enjoy it because your notebook is a no judgement, no advice giving, no care in the world zone. Sometimes I'll go back and read pages and laugh, shake my head, or just throw an entry away. 

Read: Reading is something I LOVE to much, but at times do the least of. It seems to take the most time because once you get started it's often hard to stop. I like books because they take you to a different world completely. They let your mind explore and ponder in a different place. Often that's all it takes to forget about your own "problems."

I hope you have ways to clear your mind!


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