A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Sunday, March 8, 2015


It's Sunday and time to link-up with the Teaching Trio for the Sunday Scoop. I am liking the scoop because it's a way to hold myself accountable! :) How do you hold yourself accountable. I also like check-lists and they work just as well, but this is a fun Sunday morning booster! 

This last snow storm put a beating on my car. Then when I was driving downtown on Friday a huge truck splashed up dirt, salt, and whatever else was in that pile. One entire side looks like a splash art.

Sunday always brings a grocery trip! This week I'm making chicken noodle soup for the first time!

Definitely have to get a run in today because this week is C.R.A.Z.Y! Conferences two nights after school, my literacy class another, faculty meeting as always, AND going to see The Lion King!

I've been so excited to meet Grayson and today is going to be the day!

Three snow days threw things off again! We were never able to have our all-day deep planning session last week so I am hoping that will happen one day this week. Good thing is I already know what needs to be accomplished and just have to write it in the plan book. (Yes, I write my plans. It's a way for me to fully thing things through.)

So excited to have dinner with my family tonight. Its not always easy to coordinate crazy schedules between the 7 of us, but when we do...it's my FAVORITE!!!!! My family is my world! 

Hope you have a great day!



  1. My car has definitely gotten a beating this winter from all the ice and snow too. The car wash line was super long yesterday, but I'm so glad it's clean now. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday dinner with all your family! :)

    Happy Days in First Grade

  2. I don't even want to TOUCH my car. When I have to open my trunk to put in groceries I'm trying to do it with 2 fingers so I don't get filthy!!! & don't even talk about trying to walk by my car in the garage trying not to touch it... its some major body bending skills.

    1. Haha! YES!!!! The 2 finger door close was totally me after I went to the grocery. Of course I went to the car wash and then it rained, but whatever...I think that's to be expected. :)
