A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Sunday's Scoop!

Sunday has become such a wonderful day of the week for me considering for about 9 years I worked most of them. That just sounded really crazy in my head as I typed that last sentence. It's been almost 5 months since I left CPK. Five months is nothing in comparison to 9 years which means that I have a lot more Sunday's off to catch up on my Sunday Funday's! I'm loving it!

Linking up with Teaching Trio again this Sunday.

Here is my scoop!

Must Do:
I am in the midst of redoing my portfolio entry for National Board Certification. I have all of my ideas for my unit, but I really need to finalize my activities and get everything together. Then I need to decide when I am going to video tape. I have a feeling I'm going to need to video tape this group multiple times. They LOVE being in front of the camera. My goal is to have all of my video taping and unit finished by the end of March. Then I am going to finish my write up over Spring Break. That will give me about a month for editing and revising. I am going to plan my assessment center retake exercise for June when we are out of school. That will give me a good month to study! If you have any ideas or resources for how to integrate the arts into various content areas that will lead students to gain an appreciation of the arts I am open to ideas. FOUR POINTS, FOUR POINTS, FOUR POINTS.... I can do it! 

Hope To: 
One of the best things we do is a school are deep planning days. Every 9 weeks, we are provided a day to deep plan with our school's goal clarity coach and resource teacher. It really helps teams stay on the same page, understand standards, develop common assessments, and more. I am greatly appreciative of these days because being prepared is something that I like to stay on top of. Definitely helps alleviate some planning stress.  

Since our 8 inch snow in Louisville just about 2 weeks ago I've been going to the gym and running on the treadmill. It really hasn't been so bad. It's warm and allows me to get the miles in. There was still a lot of snow on the sidewalks where I run in my neighborhood. Looks like another week in the gym. Next Saturday is the first leg of the Louisville Triple Crown and I am pretty excited about that. 

Happy To Do:
Love, Love, Love spending time with Ryann and Lillian and watching them grow!  



  1. Good Morning!

    Our school also allows us to have department planning sessions. I love these days! We have ours every nine weeks and it gives us a chance to regroup as a department, come up with ideas to implement throughout the school year, common plan, and create common assessments. I, too, enjoy these days! Our was actually supposed to be this past Friday but we were out of school due to snow.

    Good luck on your National Boards!

    Christine from The Math Nerdette

    1. All day planning sessions are AMAZING!!!

  2. A day devoted just to planning--how heavenly. Actually, our administrator has been trying to get those to work for each of our grade levels, but with all the PARCC testing this year, it just isn't falling into place. And good luck on your National Board. Fingers crossed!

    1. It is probably the best and most appreciated "gift" from our resource teachers and administration!

  3. I think it's so awesome that you're going for your national board certification. I would love to go through that process someday. I hope you get your certification. I also hope to get some running in this week too! Happy March!!

    1. Thanks! Hopefully 2nd time is the charm for certification! I have to make up 4 points! Good luck with your running!
