A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Friday, March 6, 2015

High-Five it's Friday!!!

Happy Friday everybody! I hope that you have had a great week. It's crazy that we had another big winter storm! But, it does give everyone a change to sllllllooooowwww down. Unless you are my dad...he doesn't take snow days. Really the only people that actually take snow days in my family are me and one of my sister-in-laws. She is a teacher too! Everyone else just keeps on trucking.

Some fun things to be thankful for from this past week...

1. On Tuesday school was a pretty rough day and I came home with a headache. I went to bed pretty early. I woke up expecting to go to work on Wednesday, but it was canceled because of snow rain. I am not thankful for my headache, but I am thankful that I was able to catch up on some sleep. I sometimes forget that I need to slow down. I always try to be so productive and that's not always necessary.

2. I wasn't able to meet my February goal of running hills 4 times. I was actually only able to run them once. Monday afternoons are my most flexible run days. In the past I always used Mondays for hill runs-I thought I would stick with that.

1st Monday of Feb-Went to meet my new niece, Lillian.
2nd Monday- Ran dog hill at Cherokee Park 10 times. That was equivalent to 2.72 miles. I set my goal at 10, but next time I will run 11 so I hit my 3 mile minimun. :) I'm not letting myself run less than 3 miles every time I go hit the pavement. Unless....like today I ran 2 easy miles because I have a race in the morning and wasn't able to make it to the gym yesterday because of snowmageddon 2.0. Just enough to stretch the legs. Listen to me, all talking like a runner. ;) I'm starting to "feel" like one! 3rd Monday-Snowmageddon 1.0 hit!
4th Monday-I had to attend my college Literacy Class (that's usually on Thursday) because my professor was going to be out of town. 

I was still able to hit my 50 mile goal and that's exciting because February has 3 less days than January and March. For March I am going to try to get a 2 hill days in, but I am running in a 5K and 10K race. My goal is to beat my fall 5K and 10K times. Not by a particular amount of time, but just to finish a little quicker. I am a tad bit nervous about tomorrow because it will be pretty cold, but it'll be a learning experience for sure.

I am at 118.8 miles for the year. 531.2 more to go. Right on track!   

3. I was able to catch up with a very dear friend of mine with some awesome phone conversations. I'm not a huge phone person, but conversations just flow with her. She is a great support in my life. Do you have such a person? Make sure you thank him/her! 

4. With the extra time off I was able to plan my National Boards unit!!! YAHOO!!! This was a pretty large task because I decided to teach my unit through interactive workstations. I had to write them pretty much from scratch. I went into school for a few hours today to prepare a majority of my materials. The plan was to implement and video tape this coming week, but the snow days may have pushed it back. Who knows, maybe I'll get some taping in on Thursday and/or Friday. 

5. I was asked a very important question by a very important person that I will share when the time is right. It has me feeling....honored to say the least. 

I hope you had a nice week and were able to slow down some.


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