A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Happy Ten for Tuesday!

Happy Tuesday! 
Some fun happenings to be thankful for...

1. I finally met baby Greyson on his 2 week birthday. Those two weeks felt like a long time, but he is soooooo adorable and just perfect! I really miss his mommy at school, but it's so exciting seeing your friend go through such an awesome experience. 

2. My National Boards unit is PLANNED and ready to go. Video taping will take place this week and next. We are going to go for four days. Fingers crossed we capture 15 good minutes! 

3. Pretty excited UofL beat Virginia last weekend. This year has been such a roller coaster. Regardless if my team is having an up year or a down year I support them and appreciate the good times. The game Saturday was a good time and one to remember. We fought hard and won as a team, and the least expected guy to come through in the end did.  

4. We had family dinner at my parents over the weekend. The little ladies stole the show with their cuteness of course! 

5. I ran the first leg of the Louisville Triple Crown this past Saturday! My goal was to beat my 5k time in the fall and I did by 1:23. I was stoked! It was a pretty cold day, but I dressed perfectly! I didn't use my Nike app that I usually use for time and distance because its difficult to use when I have gloves on. I decided to wear a watch instead to track my time...well it died after three minutes. LOL I just went with it and am very proud of my 34:20! 10K in less than 2 weeks.  My friend, Michelle, has taken on the triple crown challenge too! 

Race 1 in the books! 

 6. Here is my crock-pot chicken noodle soup. It honestly wasn't that good. I followed the directions exactly! Just seemed super thin and blah. It looks pretty and I'll eat it for a few meals, but I'm going to have to try something different next time.  This is recipe number 7 for the year! 

7. Face-timing is one of the best inventions ever! 

8. I was on the treadmill at the gym tonight and one of my former students walked up next to me and said. "Hey Ms. Weiter do you remember me?!?" Of course I did because she was one of the sweetest students I taught at my old school. She wasn't actually in my homeroom, but I taught her math and she sat in my room in the mornings because she was dropped off at school before students were allowed in the building. It made my night to see how much she has grown and that she came up and said hi! 

9. One of my students that has been trying to earn the privilege of going on our class trip has earned his points 7 days in a row. He has a point sheet to track if he is on-task and his behavior. Fingers crossed he keeps it up.

10. I'm gonna go ahead an add that it's a pretty positive thing that I've made it two days thus far this week. We have conferences Mon and Wed 4-7. Faculty meeting was tonight and Thursday I have my literacy class until 8. Such. Long. Days, but two down only means there are two more to go. :)

Happy Tuesday to you!

Question of the day: What is your favorite crock-pot recipe?




  1. I have a book of vegetarian crock pot recipes... I love every one of them :)
    Great job on your race!! Its the best feeling ever when you beat your time you were hoping for!!
    Now lets hope for a warmer 10k!

    1. I think I'm going to break down and buy a cookbook. It was a pretty good feeling to beat my goal time.
      Fingers crossed we have good weather for the 10K! I have another time to beat! ;)
