A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Tuesday's Ten...Short and Sweet!

1. Exciting news is that I am an "Aunt" AGAIN!!!! My dear friend Jayne had Greyson on Sunday. He is absolutely precious and I cannot wait to meet him in person tomorrow! 

2. Thankful that my teammate took one for the team and stayed after school today and waited for our students to pick up their cookie-dough fundraiser orders. 

3. I never thought I would say this, but faculty meeting was a score today (at least for me)! The National Boards assessment that I am retaking is about integrating the arts into the classroom. That's EXACTLY what our meeting was about. A few nice district ladies came in and provided us with a ton of resources. It definitely gives me a starting point in studying! 

4. Twenty-eight more school days until Spring Break 2015! Whoop! Whoop! Then it's off to Denver for a conference. Whoop! Whoop! 

5. I have come to the realization that eating lunch with my kiddos is actually working. Fingers crossed that I didn't just jinx myself. I'm not saying they are perfect, but it's better.

6. Had probably the most moving parent meeting today. My heart goes out to her. She is trying the best she can. Therefore, I MUST keep tying!

7. 99.8 down 550.1 to go! Continuing to be thankful for my mom signing me in at the gym. Today she was finished with her workout and waited a good 15 minutes for me to get there. 

8. My report cards are completed a whole week ahead of time!

9. My nieces are the cutest little things in the world! Truth! :)

10. UofL is struggling right now. I feel like we have been struggling all year. It happens. We won last night...it wasn't easy...will probably not be easy the rest of the year, but a win is a win. 

Hope you smiled today! 


1 comment:

  1. Greyson... what a beautiful name!!!
    A fellow Louisville girl! YAHOO!!!!!
