A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tuesday's Ten (+ a few)

It's been a wonderful week since last Tuesday's Ten! So much that I was able to put in the thankful/good moments memory box. 

1. Valentine's Day with 10/11 year old kiddos is so sweet. We didn't have an official "party" because quite frankly we didn't deserve one. The behaviors in Room 106 are still pretty up and down. Most days are manageable and I think that's really all I can ask for. Need. To. Stay. Positive. Must. Stay. Positive. Here is me staying positive and sharing some cuteness...Before the kiddos could pass out their Valentine's they had to write nice things about someone else in the class. They drew names. Sadly, this was not completed without a fuss, but here are a few of the nice notes and in the end they ALL found nice things to write about their peers. 

Such sweet words. 

It gets the job done. 

One of the most adorable little Valentine's Day cards! 

Heart Hair! 

2. I enjoyed my 2nd Friday of the month dinner with friends. This is always such a bright spot to a week. 

3. Craig, Lisa, Lillian, and Derby had us over for dinner last weekend. My family is....awesome! 

4. Pretty sure there are no words to explain how happy I was in this moment. I love them both so much! So So much! 

5. Mrs. Weber bought this book at the book fair last Friday. I passed her in the hall and basically stole it for a few hours. It took about 5 minutes to read and my class cracked up. It's absolutely hilarious and adorable. All of the crayons in the box write letters to their owner, Duncan, explaining how they are either over used, under used, or used in the wrong ways. It was a nice way to end the week. 

6. KDF posed these signs for you to print and fill out to get everyone talking about the mini-marathon. Here is one reason I run... :)

7. We all know snow days are bittersweet in my book. There is not much more I can do besides make the most of them. I cannot sit for too long so naturally....

My house has been cleaned from top to bottom.
All of my laundry has been cleaned, folded, and put away.
Bills have been paid. 
Checkbook has been balanced.
Guest room closet is organized.
Cleaned out my file cabinet.
Books have been read.
School work is caught up. (With the exception of report cards, but they are not far from finished.)
Sidewalks were shoveled.

You know the norm. :)

Tomorrow, I am going to make sure I get at least a few hours of National Boards work. I've neglected it for about a week. 

8. I'm pretty stoked that my mom mom can take a guest to the gym with her. I've been able to get a few runs in on the treadmill. As much as I do not favor the treadmill it definitely beats the cold! 

9. I've completed 83/650! 567 more to go! Right on track! 

10. I followed another NEW RECIPE!!! Spinach lasagna rolls! This wasn't my absolute favorite, but still yummy and easy. Trying to figure out what I am going to make next week. I set my goals to try making 6 new things and I am already at 5! One of the best thing about making these meals is that I am able to freeze most of it for future meals. It's worked out great for Thursdays when I am at school late because of a class I am taking. I just take a "frozen" meal. 

11. Enjoyed some time in the snow with this lovely lady. She LOVES and waits for you to throw some in the air for her to jump up and try to catch it with her mouth. 

12.  With the anticipation of having a snow day on Monday I decided to read this gem. It's noted as being a 5th grade level text, but I felt it read a little lower. It's definitely a book that I would like to and will incorporate into my classroom one day. It follows a young misfit, Zinkoff, though his early school years. He is an outcast, but doesn't seem to notice or care a whole lot. You really fall in love with him because of how he sees life. I will say, the ending was a bit disappointing, but that can be something for the kiddos to rewrite. :)

13. Here's to making the most of another day off tomorrow.

Hope all is well. Stay warm Louisville!


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