A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

I'm Not Perfect

I was browsing Facebook on New Year's Eve and taking note to things people were thankful for over the past year and hope they have for the coming year. I saw a comment on a friends status from a girl that I've never met, but it struck a chord. It read..."Don't compare your behind the scenes to someone else's red carpet." Another person commented, "So true, sometimes you only see someones GREAT moments but we all have our behind the scenes!" I think it's so interesting the things that people chose to share and not share. I always like to share the happy moments, as do most other people, but hope that doesn't give a false perception of who I am. I am human, I have struggles, I am NOT perfect.  Not sure why, but I thought I'd share some of my not perfectness.

*I am selfish with my time. I like to be alone. I'm okay with it and feel that others should be too.
*I snap at my mom too easily.
*I get annoyed when people put their nose into conversations, yet I am guilty of this at times.
*I think I push people away because I am not a social butterfly.
*I am uncomfortable with my height even though it's something I cannot control.
*I find it difficult to go out sometimes because I am not "in style."
*I sometimes have a strong hatred dislike for my job. It's NOT the kiddos (even though they sometime push buttons), it's the system.
*It makes me angry when people put down other peoples sports teams, yet I keep my mouth closed.
*I am jealous of people with significant others around the holidays.
*I do not feel like I am always a good friend. I also realize that as we get older it's not about quantity of time spent together, but the quality of time spent together is more important.
*I get anxious when I am unprepared or late.
*I do not recycle.
*I sometimes envy those who do not worry about teaching. They just go with the flow. Why can't I do this?
*I am overweight. Being real. It's something I have the power to change, but it keeps getting put off.
*I am sometimes a procrastinator.
*I sometimes think that everyone should be positive all of the time, but know it's not possible or realistic.THEN on the flip side: Sometimes it's extremely exhausting being happy all of the time and it can be annoying when you are just "normal" and people continually ask you what's wrong. I know it's coming from a good place.
*When I am in a conversation I sometimes feel like I am not smart enough to contribute in fear of not making sense.
*I have huge insecurities when teaching writing because my grammar is awful.
*My car gets pretty messy.
*This list goes on...
I am sure that as time goes on some of the above will fall off of this list and other items will be added. I just know that I am trying to become a better me all of the time through living life one day at a time. I am a work in progress...

I went out on a limb here and know that if you are reading this you will hold none of the above against me... Now trying to convince myself to click publish. ;)


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