A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Monday, December 30, 2013

December 31,2013

December 31, 2013 is here. Depending on how you look at it, you have 86,400 seconds, 1,440 minutes, 96 quarter hours, 48 half-hours, or 24 hours to spend living life in this day. It's never going to come again. Some may have to work, some may spend time with family, some will be productive and others will be completely lazy. Some of you may take the time to kick the year out the door while others will be sad to see it go. Me on the other hand....I'm pretty indifferent this year. Not exactly sure why because there were some pretty fabulous moments and lots of personal growth, but this day just feels like any other. Simply wonderful. I kinda like that. Every day can be simply wonderful. Not saying every day is perfect, but take control of the the negative situations that will happen in life and work through them. You will be stronger and better prepared for the next life obstacle. God doesn't give you anything you cannot handle. Cliche as that sounds- I think it's true. I like a quote my SIL posted the other day that explains what I am trying to say well... "One day she finally grasped that unexpected things were always going to happen in life. And with that she realized the only control she had was how she chose to handle them. So, she made the decision to survive using courage, humor and grace. She was the Queen of her own life and the choice was hers." We have the power to control how we feel about life-even in difficult times. Moments in life happen and how we respond to them affect how we feel in the end. If you need to complain or lean on people it's okay. Do so, learn from it, move on. 

So, why create so much hustle and bustle to forget our past year to "start" fresh? Every day you wake up, you are giving that opportunity- it just needs to be taken. Create hustle and bustle to live in the moment. Cherish the time you have been given. Ring in the new year like it's Thanksgiving! Remember single people too while you turn to smooch with your significant other...haha...had to throw that out there. Hugs are good here. ;)

 No resolution or statement of "This year I am going to......" is ultimately going to change who we are. So, I think I'm going to ban New Year's resolutions in my life. I'm going to continue on my life resolution route to becoming a better me and a good person. 

With all of that being said....Here is an update on some of my challenges!

Challenge #6: Check
Not completely sure who this is from, but the more I look at it the more I think I have an idea. I am thankful for this challenge because I LOVE me some Cardinal football. I also like how this challenge says, "at least 1!" 
I appreciate his patience in answering all of my questions about the game. Pretty sure my season ticket will always be near his! 
Go Cards! 

Challenge #2: I have no clue who this one is from...

I just decided today that I wanted to take care of this one. I'm actually rather excited about it. For the month of January you will not see me on Facebook. When I ring in the new year, I'll be deleting the app for a while. With that being said, "Happy Birthday" to all you you January babies. Congratulations on any big life events. I hope you all have happy Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and weekends. I hope you are able to get through any obstacles. Good luck with new beginnings. You can find me as Hammertime1202 on instagram and KAWeiter on Twitter if you really want to know what's going on with me OR better yet...give me a call. If you need anything, I'm here! I'm gonna keep those forms of social media only because the challenge specifies Facebook. 

Challenge #24: This is one I was waiting on from a friend. My dear friend Jayne challenged me to spend at least 10 minutes every day with wine, coffee, or tea in an attempt to relax. (Since, I do not like tea, I have substituted Diet Caffeine Free Mountain Dew.) Her sweet note said, "Reflect on the wonderful things you've done that day or all the thing you are thankful for in your life." 

My journal for the day of December 25th. (Nothing crazy or fancy, but moments to be remembered.)
Today I...
Woke up at my parents.
Chatted with mom as she made breakfast for dad as I made cinnamon rolls. 
Enjoyed the first Friendsmas hosted by Jayne. Food was fab! 
Dropped off extra breakfast at Jayne's super husband's firehouse.
Went to the movies to see "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty." It was delightful.
Went to my parents for Christmas with the family.
Played Apples to Apples with Mom, Dad, Bub, and Kath.
Lisa and Craig joined for dinner after Christmas on her side of the family.
Exchanged gifts and enjoyed family time.
Today was perfect. 
Some other challenges are in progress, but not ready for the good ole' blog. 

Until next time...


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