A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Friday, January 24, 2014

Happy Weekend!

5 supercalifragilisticespialidocious things from the week....

1. I noted a few Friday's ago that I like snow days. I'm rethinking this statement now that we are at 5 and it's only January. I do recall the farmers almanac predicting a rough winter. Oh well...it is, what it is. Oh, and delays are cool. 

2. I think I work better under deadlines. I procrastinated some this week and I'm cool with it. I may not be cool with it April 30th. (That's when I am submitting my National Boards work.) I'm am declaring tomorrow an official work day. It's gonna be a  productive snow-day Saturday.

3. UofL's football schedule came out and it made me happier than a camel on Wednesday. I'm just pumped. So pumped that we should have a red, white, or black out every game. We should wear black uni's with matte black helmets and listen to old school rap music, throw oranges, black-out, rush the field often and tailgate like its 2006. Okay, so we shouldn't do all of those things, but I'm definitely excited! 

4. I am so thankful for my dear friend Jayne. We met in graduate school, taught at our first school together, and moved to the Lane as a pair. We do not hang out much outside of school, but I'm pretty sure my life wouldn't be the same without her. She is my other "piece" at school. Not to mention, she lets me bug her and I think that's pretty nice. Not only is she a great friend, but she is a great inspiration to all. You can find her inner thoughts at: http://anchoredwithhope.wordpress.com/  You will love her too! 

5. I mentioned last Friday I was excited to hang out with some favorites Saturday. Had a nice time celebrating Leann, Jayne and Bub! Leann gave the sweetest introductions to all of her guests and opened lots of things that will definitely have a direct effect on her becoming a master chef. Jayne welcomed 30 with a smile and did not flip out when I spilled RED wine on her carpet, and Bub's birthday was perfect family time! 
Happy Birthday Jayne!

The day is near!

I hope you can find 5 (or more) happy things that happened this week too.
Life is too short not to be happy.


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