A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Friday, January 10, 2014

5 for Friday

It's Friday, fabulous Friday....I cannot wait until that clock strikes 33333333333333....or 4! I hear that song in my mind on a lot of Friday's. It takes me back to my Mercy days. A few things to high 5 about this week.

1. We had 2 "Cold Days" this week. I would much rather go to school when it's warm. I've always been super wishy washy about cancelled school days. I think I've decided I'm officially in favor (until we have like 10 to make up). School in warm weather is much cooler!

2. I am glad that I was able to go to dinner and the UL game last night with a few favorites. I will take the blame for the loss. I wore a black shirt. Who does that during a white out?!?!!? 

3. I was given one of the sweetest and most meaningful gifts ever. Thankful. 

4. The quote, "Be the change that you wish to see in the world" stood out in my mind a few times this week. Are we who we want to be? Are we sending the message to others that we want to send? Are we living out the golden rule? Just some food for thought. 

5. Lacie reminded me that she totally loves selfies and appreciates that I'll help her take the pic. 

She loves  them so much that she face-timed me when I left and captured the moment. 

Is it weird that I think of her as a person?!?! Nah...perfectly normal. 


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