A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Tuesday's Ten...Short and Sweet!

1. Exciting news is that I am an "Aunt" AGAIN!!!! My dear friend Jayne had Greyson on Sunday. He is absolutely precious and I cannot wait to meet him in person tomorrow! 

2. Thankful that my teammate took one for the team and stayed after school today and waited for our students to pick up their cookie-dough fundraiser orders. 

3. I never thought I would say this, but faculty meeting was a score today (at least for me)! The National Boards assessment that I am retaking is about integrating the arts into the classroom. That's EXACTLY what our meeting was about. A few nice district ladies came in and provided us with a ton of resources. It definitely gives me a starting point in studying! 

4. Twenty-eight more school days until Spring Break 2015! Whoop! Whoop! Then it's off to Denver for a conference. Whoop! Whoop! 

5. I have come to the realization that eating lunch with my kiddos is actually working. Fingers crossed that I didn't just jinx myself. I'm not saying they are perfect, but it's better.

6. Had probably the most moving parent meeting today. My heart goes out to her. She is trying the best she can. Therefore, I MUST keep tying!

7. 99.8 down 550.1 to go! Continuing to be thankful for my mom signing me in at the gym. Today she was finished with her workout and waited a good 15 minutes for me to get there. 

8. My report cards are completed a whole week ahead of time!

9. My nieces are the cutest little things in the world! Truth! :)

10. UofL is struggling right now. I feel like we have been struggling all year. It happens. We won last night...it wasn't easy...will probably not be easy the rest of the year, but a win is a win. 

Hope you smiled today! 


Saturday, February 21, 2015


Here is my first Sunday Scoop. I hope that I am doing this correctly. The technicalities of blogging are still rather new to me. I have come across a few Sunday Scoops before and just recently learned that the teachers of the Teaching Trio are the creators. I definitely want to make sure that I am giving credit to the correct source. They decided it was/is a short way to link up to other teacher's and find a little motivation for the Sunday to-do activities. I couldn't agree more. I'm literally laughing at myself because I cannot figure out how to get my text onto this picture. I used Power Point, but when I copied it over to here my text isn't there. Hmmmmmm..... 

I did it!!! One of the ladies at the Teaching Trio email me back with a link to their blog that had a clear description. YAY! For learning new things! 

Have a good week!


Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Goal Met!

I am going to be really honest here. I had no clue or idea that I would have attempted six new recipes this quickly. I thought it would take me at least 6 months. I just never had any desire to take the time to actually cook. Yes, I have here and there, but not like this. I am liking that I have been able to freeze some of everything I have made. It's really helped me mix-up my meals and extend them for a while. My plan was to have chicken tonight, but I remembered that Lent started today. I then decided it would be best to make something meatless that I could have tonight and Friday. Meatless chili popped into my head. I'm not sure if I have ever even had meatless chili before tonight. In the end, dinner was delicious. A little on the tomatoey (Yes, I know that's not a word.), but I think it's because I accidentally put in tomato paste and tomato sauce. I bought both because I remembered using paste when I made my mom's recipe, but this one called for sauce. I should have used one or the other. I added a few more crackers than what I usually would and that helped. I will definitely be making this one again. 

3 medium zucchini, chopped (recipe called for 4, but I thought that was a lot and 3 was just fine.)
1 large onion, chopped (recipe called for 2 medium, but 1 large is the same. I didn't even use the whole thing.)
1 red bell pepper, chopped
1 green pepper, chopped
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
4 garlic cloves, minced
2 cans Italian stewed tomatoes
1 can pinto beans, rinsed and drained
1 can black beans, rinsed and drained
1 can chili beans, rinsed and drained
1/4 cup cilantro, minced
1/4 cup parsley, minced
1 package chili powder
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cumin
1 package of sliced mushrooms
(Recipe also called for 1 tablespoon of sugar, but I left that out. Just didn't think it was necessary. I also chose to omit the jalapeno pepper. Not my thing.)

Total cost was right at $17. That breaks down to $1.06 per serving! 

Diced up goodness! My knife skills are improving. :) Not really, but we will pretend they are!

Ta Da!!!! Yum-O!

In a large pot, saute zucchini, onions, and peppers in oil until tender.
Add garlic.
Stir in tomatoes, tomato sauce, beans, and seasonings.
Bring to a boil over medium heat.
Cover and simmer for 30 minutes or until heated through.
Stir occasionally.

Share with someone! 

Happy Cooking!


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tuesday's Ten (+ a few)

It's been a wonderful week since last Tuesday's Ten! So much that I was able to put in the thankful/good moments memory box. 

1. Valentine's Day with 10/11 year old kiddos is so sweet. We didn't have an official "party" because quite frankly we didn't deserve one. The behaviors in Room 106 are still pretty up and down. Most days are manageable and I think that's really all I can ask for. Need. To. Stay. Positive. Must. Stay. Positive. Here is me staying positive and sharing some cuteness...Before the kiddos could pass out their Valentine's they had to write nice things about someone else in the class. They drew names. Sadly, this was not completed without a fuss, but here are a few of the nice notes and in the end they ALL found nice things to write about their peers. 

Such sweet words. 

It gets the job done. 

One of the most adorable little Valentine's Day cards! 

Heart Hair! 

2. I enjoyed my 2nd Friday of the month dinner with friends. This is always such a bright spot to a week. 

3. Craig, Lisa, Lillian, and Derby had us over for dinner last weekend. My family is....awesome! 

4. Pretty sure there are no words to explain how happy I was in this moment. I love them both so much! So So much! 

5. Mrs. Weber bought this book at the book fair last Friday. I passed her in the hall and basically stole it for a few hours. It took about 5 minutes to read and my class cracked up. It's absolutely hilarious and adorable. All of the crayons in the box write letters to their owner, Duncan, explaining how they are either over used, under used, or used in the wrong ways. It was a nice way to end the week. 

6. KDF posed these signs for you to print and fill out to get everyone talking about the mini-marathon. Here is one reason I run... :)

7. We all know snow days are bittersweet in my book. There is not much more I can do besides make the most of them. I cannot sit for too long so naturally....

My house has been cleaned from top to bottom.
All of my laundry has been cleaned, folded, and put away.
Bills have been paid. 
Checkbook has been balanced.
Guest room closet is organized.
Cleaned out my file cabinet.
Books have been read.
School work is caught up. (With the exception of report cards, but they are not far from finished.)
Sidewalks were shoveled.

You know the norm. :)

Tomorrow, I am going to make sure I get at least a few hours of National Boards work. I've neglected it for about a week. 

8. I'm pretty stoked that my mom mom can take a guest to the gym with her. I've been able to get a few runs in on the treadmill. As much as I do not favor the treadmill it definitely beats the cold! 

9. I've completed 83/650! 567 more to go! Right on track! 

10. I followed another NEW RECIPE!!! Spinach lasagna rolls! This wasn't my absolute favorite, but still yummy and easy. Trying to figure out what I am going to make next week. I set my goals to try making 6 new things and I am already at 5! One of the best thing about making these meals is that I am able to freeze most of it for future meals. It's worked out great for Thursdays when I am at school late because of a class I am taking. I just take a "frozen" meal. 

11. Enjoyed some time in the snow with this lovely lady. She LOVES and waits for you to throw some in the air for her to jump up and try to catch it with her mouth. 

12.  With the anticipation of having a snow day on Monday I decided to read this gem. It's noted as being a 5th grade level text, but I felt it read a little lower. It's definitely a book that I would like to and will incorporate into my classroom one day. It follows a young misfit, Zinkoff, though his early school years. He is an outcast, but doesn't seem to notice or care a whole lot. You really fall in love with him because of how he sees life. I will say, the ending was a bit disappointing, but that can be something for the kiddos to rewrite. :)

13. Here's to making the most of another day off tomorrow.

Hope all is well. Stay warm Louisville!


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

#WIRN Wednesday

Here is a spin on #widn (What I'm doing now)...I'm going to go with #wirn (What I'm reading now). I am glad that I am making some time to read things that I want to read. At school we are reading January's Sparrow as a class. My reading groups are currently reading Call it Courage, Joey Pigza Loses Control, and Rosa Parks: My Story. I really enjoy all of the above and the kiddos are too! 

Currently at home...

I've made it though Chapter 1 on this one. It discusses the meaning of humility. A few quotes that stuck out to me.

"Failure is not final-it is fertilizer for future success." 

"Humility forces you to treat people around you better, to share with people, to carry them with you in any success you have."

"With humility, you are better able to enjoy and understand success, and you are better able to examine and handle failure."

Next up: Chapter 2: The Force of Focus

This is one book that I have been UBER EXCITED about!!! I am absolutely in love with KP's messages and life lessons. It's like he is speaking to adults as much as he is children. A book like this definitely helps to put some tough days into perspective. 

Chapter 1: Life is what happens when you PUT DOWN YOUR PHONE! 

Think about it...

Next up...Chapter 2: Focus on the Awesome

What's up with Chapter 2's involving focusing... ;)

I am also reading my National Board Entry 2 directions and standards over and over. I'm trying to get it right this time. :)

What are you reading on this Wednesday?!?!


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Tuesday's Ten


1. The big and most exciting news of the week is that I am an AUNT again!!!! Lillian Rose made her debut on Sunday afternoon. She is absolutely perfect and I am so in love! I cannot wait for her to grow up with Ryann, Will and baby Simms to-be. It's going to be so much fun.
Running into this wonderful person in the hospital waiting room was so fun. Lillian and her nephew, Levi, were born just a few hours apart. We are twinkie aunts! 

Waiting room selfie! 

Lillian Rose is absolutely perfect! 

2. Last Tuesday was pretty much awful. I am trying not to exaggerate, but it was a.... Not cool, Robert Frost kind of day! BUT, when I went into school on Wednesday a lot of my kiddos felt really bad. I received some of the sweetest notes and a few kiddos brought me gifts. The apple from Ray (who was not a part of the ruckus) made me smile from ear to ear. I think they (or at least some of them) realized they were in the wrong. The rest of the week went better. I decided that it may be wise to eat in the cafeteria with them. This was and is pretty difficult for me to do. I am the type that likes to eat alone in my classroom. I enjoy the 20-minutes of quietness. This class needs structure ALL of the time. If anything, me eating with them has helped them transition into the 2nd half of the day on a more positive note. We shall see...

3. We celebrated Craig's birthday with a family dinner. Birthday dinners with my favorites are my favorite! ;) 

4. Thank you UofL for beating UNC. We needed that win!

5. I met my January running goal of 50 miles! I finished the month with a 6 miler that put me at 58 total for the month! 58 completed, 592 to go! February's goal is hill work 4 times and staying consistent with my minimum distance at 3 miles. I was given another little challenge, but I'm not going to disclose it until it's completed. ;)

6. UofL's 2015 football schedule was released. That puts a smile on my face. We have six home games. I think 6 is the perfect number to have at home. It's going to be a super exciting season with our two new little cardinal fans to tailgate!!! I'm already working with teaching them the CARDS chant.

7. Made my next recipe! Taco Soup!!! It was delicious and I'm pumped about the leftovers that I will be freezing!!! 

2 cans of diced tomatoes
1 can of beef broth
1 can of rotel
1 can of kidney beans
1 can of pinto beans
1 can of black beans
1 can of corn
(Drain and rinse all beans and corn before adding to the pot,)
1 package of taco seasoning
1 package of ranch salad dressing and seasoning mix
1 pound of cooked meat. I went with 99% fat free ground turkey.
I crunched up 3 whole grain tortilla chips for a little texture. 


8. Babies make the world a better place. 

9. I had an awful run this evening, BUT I ran and that's more important than not running. I have been trying to figure out why, but I cannot pinpoint what was different. O'well...tomorrow is a new day! 

10. Life Goal: 

Hope all is well!
