A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Saturday, April 11, 2015

{End of March and Beginning of April Goodness}

A good life is a collection of happy moments...
I'm continually adding moments...
I hope you are too...

 I had never been to Wild Eggs, but back in March Craig, Lisa, and Lilly invited me to go. Even though everyone always raves about it I was still a little skeptical because I am not a huge breakfast food fan. I'm not into the waffles, sausage, bacon, muffin thing. BUT...My first trip was delicious with some Mr. Potato-head hash brown casserole. I have no clue if that's really what it called. 

It was so yummy the first time, I met my friend Katie at the beginning of this week for brunch. Yes, I was that person that took a picture of their food. YUM! This was their version of a KY Hot Brown. Oh.M.Goodness! I'm definitely going back for some of this. 

Michelle and I ran the 2nd and 3rd leg of the Triple Crown! 

Always throwing up the L's!

Our surprise cheerleaders!

They had the start/finish line backwards. Such a tease!

Race 2!

Pre-Race Selfie! 10K

Gearing up for the 3rd race! 

10 Miler!

Our Papa John's 10 Miler Cheerleader!

Love finishing on the field! That turf is like music to your feet! 

Next up Derby Festival Mini-Marathon! 

I haven't been on a 5th grade trip since being at Gilmore. It was a nice day overall. The kiddos behaved for the most part and they had a really good time. That is what is most important. They were able to make memories that will last a lifetime. 

Cotton Gin at the Freedom Center.

Henry's Freedom Box

My Group! <3 her!

My teammate and I...

UL Wins! 

History Museum

I was able to complete my video taping for my National Boards entry. I wanted to take a pic of this all-boy group that worked really hard. 

UofL went to the Elite 8 in the NCAA Tournament. Overall it was a good season. Next year is going to look a lot different. 

I am going to miss the Spring Game this week because I will be traveling home from my trip. Luckily I was able to catch a little practice time. I am on the hunt for a new favorite player this year.... 

Sweet baby Lillian was baptized on Easter!

I spent some time with my favorite little ladies. 

Went on my first zoo trip as an aunt! 

One of the most adorable books ever! I have a new love for gorillas. Ivan will definitely win you over. 

I CANNOT wait to share this with the kiddos in my class especially since so many of them LOVE basketball. 

The whole story is written in a series of poems.

Mixed in with some basketball "rules" that also pertain to real-life. 

I hope all is well!
Keep collecting those happy moments. 


1 comment:

  1. I bought that Ivan book for my niece :)
    That backward finish/start line confused me. I had never seen that happen before.
    My hubs works across from Wild Eggs downtown so he has it for lunch all the time - I have yet to eat there myself.
