A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Kentucky Derby Festival Mini-Marthon

I've never really don't a race recap before, but I see lots of people that do. I thought I'd give it a go...

A little background...
This past weekend I ran a race that was pretty important to me. It was my 10th 1/2 marathon and second completed in the past 5 months. I began running for the second time about 8 months ago. I've had a few bumps, but I am really proud of the progress I've made. I've lost a little weight, but I'm still struggling in the food category. With long days and a few crazy weeks it's easier to grab something quick or to skip breakfast. This is an on-going battle that I will continue to work on! When I ran before (2008-2011) I battled with shin splints and not training to the best of my ability. This time around I have done a good job of easing into it. That has been a huge help with keeping shin splints at bay. I've set small attainable goals to keep motivation up. I've enlisted my sister-in-law (not sure she is aware) as my "coach." I talk about running with people. I keep a calendar hanging in my kitchen that I record all of my runs on. I overall feel like all of these things are holding me accountable and keeping my motivation up. Plus, I set a goal to run 650 miles this year. I'm determined to blow that on out of the water! It's also been a huge outlet for this tough school year. This race helped signify where I've been in my running journey and where I want to go...

The theme this year was "I Run Because..."

Who doesn't love race "swag?"

My tweet made the board!
Day: Saturday April 25, 2015

Time: 7:30am

Weather: 55 degrees and rainy (A range of misting to a few downpours.)

Total Participants: I don't know, I couldn't count that high. 16,000 maybe.

Oranges cut by the Weiter's: 4 cases with about 100 oranges each. Cut into 8 slices each makes about 3,200 oranges!!

Goal Time: 2:39:36
Finished Time: 2:48:20

The good, the bad, and the ugly...and a few funnies.

Good/ I finished.

Good/The temperature.

Good/I dressed perfectly.

Good/Vaseline works wonders on your toes and heals.

Good/I earned a pedicure. It was heaven.

Good/I slept well the night before.

Good/I wasn't stressed about time because I never knew what it was.
Good/Hearing all of the out-of-towners talk about our amazing city while running .It was so fun hearing about things they wanted to see and do.
Good/The two people dressed as ninja turtles.

Good/I felt comfortable most of the race.

Good/The support from my family.
Good/Running through Churchill Downs. So fun!
Good/Oranges right before mile 11 provided by the best family in the world.

Good/I added another awesome medal to my collection.

Good/Feeling confident in my abilities.

Good/The high school band playing around mile 4.

Good/The amazing spectators and awesome signs. Louisville doesn't disappoint even in the rain.
Funny/I totally missed the signs for miles 5 and 7.

Funny/A woman marathoner passed me TWICE!

Bad/I didn't have a watch on.
Bad/My Nike+ app didn't start.
Bad/I never knew what time I was at because of not having a watch and not having my app start. I had no clue as to when I crossed the start line either.

Bad/I missed my goal, but I blame it on mile 12 stomach issues and the fact that I missed two long runs leading up to this day.

Bad/RV music didn't make it.

Bad/Michelle and I didn't get to meet up before OR after to celebrate!

Ugly/the way my stomach felt at mile 12.

Ugly/crowd after the finish under the expressway.

Really...those "bads" are not that bad, but I really didn't like the way my stomach felt (thank God it passed) and I really didn't like the crowd either. Everyone was at a stand still. It wasn't bad running in the rain at all, but when I finished I was just ready to go home and it was the most difficult path to get out of the finish line area.

Michelle and I met up on Sunday at the park. We walked a little to stretch out our muscles. (It's key to keeping any soreness at bay and it really helps). I am a big nerd and totally made her bring her medal for a post-race selfie. I mean technically it was post race...who cares if it was 24 hours post race.
So proud of her!

We do it for the bling!

Dairy Castle celebratory shakes.

Should there be a 26.2 in my future? What do you think?


1 comment:

  1. Of COURSE there should be a 26.2 ahead... always push yourself :)
    Great job getting out there in that yucky weather & pushing yourself with belly troubles! You're fantastic!
    & high five on have a tweet noticed. Celebrity! :)
