A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Trucking Along in January

Some fun January tid-bits...

1. This is the 2nd week back to school since break and things are going....well. My kiddos have not been amazing, yet they have not been horrible. Maybe we have found a happy medium. One can hope right?!?!

2. Our new books came in last week and Room 106 is LOVING them! So thankful! 

3. Just like the good ole' days my gal pals and I had one of our famous Galt House nights. We went to dinner at Wild Rita's-which was yummy- followed by some drinks at Down One Bourbon Bar right around the corner from the hotel. It was a low-key evening, but the time I am able to spend catching up with my friends is cherished. 

Some of the old-school CPKers! 

4. I set a goal to try or make 6 new meals for the first half of the year. First up....chili! I used ground turkey and it tasted amazing! Tasted very similar to my mom's (she uses lean beef) and I think that makes this a success. I portioned it out into containers to freeze for some meals in the future. 

5. I went to a baby shower for my dear friend Jayne! Baby Greyson will be here before we know it. I am so incredibly sorry for her, but I am already missing her at school. Definitely going to be calling that girl a lot! 

6. Spent a little time with Baby Ryann last week. This is definitely going to be a reoccurring item on my list of awesomeness because I just cannot get enough of her. She is so darn adorable and I absolutely LOVE watching her grow! 

7. 24 of 650 miles down. 626 to go. 

8. Went to watch the Gilmore Lane Tigers play basketball. I love seeing the transformation from kiddos in the classroom to players on a court. Some of them are oh so different. 

9. I stumbled upon The Big Bang Theory pilot episode and that was fun. I think my favorite episode is the one where Leonard tells Penny the story of how he met Sheldon. HILARIOUS!!

That's all for now.

Hope you smile today!


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