A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Friday, January 2, 2015



A few thoughts on the New Year: I'm not really a big fan of making New Year's Resolutions for myself. I'm not sure that I have ever really made any that have completely stuck with and honestly cannot even remember when the last time I even made one. Last year, my first post of the new year discussed some of my insecurities and imperfectness. Looking back, I was right...some items fell off of the list. I think that is because I focused more on myself last year and that's a pretty good thing. Reflecting back I feel like my 2014 self-growth was what I had intended for 2013. I didn't make my "resolution" a priority. It was my 30th birthday (which was at the end of 2013) was a turning point for me and even then it took until about May/Juneish of 2014 for me to realize I was letting precious time slip away. I had a pretty darn good 2014 (and completed a lot of my challenges!) and feel like life is only continuing to get better. So for this year I am again not going to make a resolution but instead, I am going to continue working on being a better person that lives life one day at a time and makes the most of what is set in front of me. I do believe that there are a few things that will help me in my life journey. Some aspects of my life that I think will help me on my path is making more meaningful time for my faith. I also feel that I want to be a better friend. It's important that I make time for others in my life that I care about. 

Moving on to 5 bits of AWESOMENESS from the first few days of January.

1. I was introduced to The Big Bang Theory while traveling to and from the Belk Bowl. My Uncle brought them along for the ride. It made the drive FLY by. We watched all of Season 2 and a lot of Season 3. I do not watch a lot of sitcoms, but that show is HILARIOUS! I will definitely waste some time on the couch watching re-runs and catching up with the gang.
Do you have a favorite character?!?! I think Sheldon is a hoot!

2. I hadn't seen Ryann in a week and holding her just makes my heart smile! Added bonus is hanging out with Bub and Kath!

3. Had dinner with a couple of my favorites at their favorite hangout. (If you know me, then you know the who and where.) 

4. I started New Year's Day with a run. 
Getting used to the cold. I can do this! 
5. In talking with my sister-in-law she was telling me about how one of her friends had a goal to run 1,000 miles in 2014 and actually ran about 1,400. I thought this was super cool and was instantly intrigued and wanted to set a cool goal like this! I started running mid-July and ran 237 miles up through Dec. 31st. This included almost 3 weeks of slacking and the beginning building-up weeks. My goal is to run 650 miles this year. That's breaks down to 12.5 miles per week. That should be totally manageable and I hope to surpass that goal. Day 2 and I am 6.5 miles in...only 643.5 to go. :)

I hope you had a great start to the year! Best wishes for health and happiness.


Go Cards....always and forever! 

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the Big Bang Theory, and Sheldon is definitely my favorite and all of his Sheldon-isms crack me up! And I love your goal to run 650 miles this year! I've never thought about setting a goal like that, but I think it's a super cool idea (and one I might steal next year)!
