A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Beginner's Guide to Starting a Running Program

I came across an article on Active.Com that made me think a little bit. I'm not giving you a "guide" to start a running program because let's face it... I may be able to teach a bunch of crazy kiddos, but I am not a running instructor. Anywho...the article got me thinking. 

The article listed 3 basic rules to follow...

Rule #1: Know Why You Run
I like this rule because ultimately your why is going to be the reason you keep at it. 

Why do I run?
1. It helps me clear my mind. 
2. It helps me keep stress at bay.
3. It helps me feel better about myself.
4. It helps me build confidence.
5. It empowers me. 
6. I really do enjoy it. 

Rule #2: Compare Yourself to YOU, Not Others
I broke this rule last week. I am not a huge fan of running with others. I never have been. I feel oddly uncomfortable. I have always thought it's because I have shorter legs than most people and I tend to focus on how the person next to me can take 2 steps to my 4. I always feel like I am having to go so much faster when I am with other people. The other day I ran with two teachers from school. We ran about 3 1/2 miles. I felt totally comfortable that I would be able to complete the distance, but I finished about a minute later than them. I was and am so proud of them, but I was frustrated with myself. WHY couldn't I keep up?!?! We all chatted and I realized that in the end running with them helped me run better. I CANNOT compare myself to others because this is my journey, not theirs. It is up to me to choose to embrace and enjoy the moments that I am able to share achieving moments with others! 
Rule #3: Keep it Fun
How do I keep running fun or how am I going to keep running fun?
The article mentions that running is a lifestyle and to enjoy the process. I think that's a great way to look at how to keep it fun. I want to will keep setting my small goals that lead into larger ones. I want to will include people in my journey. I want to will cherish the gift of running. I want to will find others that will help me succeed and keep the cheerleaders I have now.
Last, but not least....the article says, "And remember: anybody who runs is a runner. Nobody can take that away from you, so lace up those shoes and go enjoy yourself!"


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