A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Three Things Thursday!

1. The past few days have been pretty rough in Room 106. I've taken a gazillion deep breaths and leaned on a few colleagues. So many of the boys in my class are super moody. I mean SUPER. MOODY! How do you deal with moody boys?!?!? Usually it's the girls that are moody, but the girls in my class are AH-MAZING! They are so sweet and caring and put up with the boys. Tomorrow is a new day and I will treat it as such. 

2. I'm continuing to make running goals! I've signed up for FOUR spring races!!!! I am super stoked about these. It works out perfect because they build on each other. Each race will fit into training for the 1/2 marathon. This group of races is going to be a pretty big deal for me. One reason is because I am still at the beginning of my 2nd run go-around. The 2015 Derby Mini-Marathon will mark my 30th road race and my TENTH 1/2 marathon! The thought is keeping me pumped up! What do you do to keep yourself motivated to reach goals?!?! 

3. I made my 2nd new dish of the year. I made lasagna. I usually use ground turkey for things that call for beef, but I wanted to change things up a bit. I opted for Laura's Lean. It was a little more pricey, but worth the taste and lower calories. I was able to freeze a few servings, have dinner, and a few lunches. What dish should I try next?!?!

What's your 3 for Thursday?!?!?!


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