A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Friday, April 4, 2014

WOW! Time if flying by! Crazy to think that April started this week! Some wonderful things from this past week...

1.Last Saturday I did NADA. ZILCH. NOTHING  constructive or productive AT ALL and it was glorious. I watched a bunch of Bravo! On-Demand, and some basketball. I think I can check my lazy day off of my challenge list! 

2. My most favorite team in the world may have lost to a rival last week, but I think Pitino said it best, "Stay humble in victory and be gracious in defeat." I'm smiling because it happened, not crying because it's over. 
Russdiculious being Russdiculious! 
 3.We had a wonderful family dinner hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Deal. They made some delicious home-made pizza's. Lisa topped it off with an equally delicious fruit pizza. That was not planned, just a coincidence. 

4. I made it to the gym with my mom a few days! 

5. I enjoyed dinner on the river with Leann and Stephanie! 

6. I wanted to spend some time in the nice weather on Tuesday and hit up UofL's football practice. I. Love. Cardinal. Football. Period.
This man will play on Sunday! 
7. I have been working on National Boards A LOT! It's so time consuming and unless you have been through the process it's super difficult to explain. I am going to be at my computer until May 16th. I know that in the end (whether if that is this year or next, or the year after) it will be worth it. It is way harder than one would think to analyze a video. 

8. A colleague of mine sent this to me earlier in the week. It totally made me laugh out loud. 
Note to self...


I finished reading Number the Stars while I was waiting on my mom to come un-lock my car. I really enjoyed it and think my reading group will too. I'm not sure why it took me so long to read it. 

I began reading The Little Prince because we have are going to be using it as a focus with literary standards soon. It's different, but cute. I'll need to spend some more time with it, to really decide if I really like it or not. I read it while enjoying a pedicure. 

10. Although I still worked a lot of hours this week, I am thankful that I have been able to regroup before tackling the next 6 weeks of school before testing. I have been super productive and made sure to give myself breaks in-between the items on my never ending to-do list. 

11. I was able to catch up with a few friends that I have not spoken with in a while. There are still so many other's that I wish I could have connected with. 

12. This friend continues to be such and inspiration. I am so thankful for her! 

I hope you have had a great week!

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