A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Saturday, March 29, 2014

All days that end in Y are wonderful!

How do you feel about Friday  Saturday almost Sunday being here? Usually as things catch my attention or heart I log on, blog them pretty quickly and them BAM! ready to click post on Friday. Not the case this week or last. Life has been b.u.s.y! I had a little reality check last Friday when I was sent home from work with a migraine. It was no bueno for sure. We sometimes need to remember that we are human and must SLOW down. Yeah, I'm not good at that. ANYWAYS...Here are some moments over the past few weeks that made me smile and I hope that you smile too! 

1. So while I was on the struggle bus I just tried to take it one day at a time and you guys helped me smile for sure. Here is what was shared on Facebook when I asked what made others smile this week...

*This post.
*Standing ovation after story time.
*Winning the midday lottery.
*A text from my mom.
*A compliment from a parent of a student.
*A student working hard on writing a thank you letter.
*A wedding.
*Multiple adorable baby and little kiddo pics.
*Baby moments.
*Dunkin doughnuts.
*Kiddos sharing at school.
*Hollering bingo 4 times in one night.
*Running in shorts.
*1st baseball practice.
*A new changeable cast.
*Planning a vacation.
*A Cardinal win
*Elementary school team winning.

See how that works....ALL of those little moments helped ME, the one having the "rough" week realize that it's all okay. THANK YOU for making ME SMILE!! 

2. The 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade went to the Planetarium at UofL. It was a pretty nice field trip and overall I think my class enjoyed it. Definitely helped some of them with our weather unit. 

3. Oprah once said something along the lines that you have to make the best decision for you at a moment in time that will set you up for what is next. I missed the St. Patrick's Day parade because I had report cards, National Boards work, a pretty big observation to plan for, and a few other school related things. It was hard to stay home when EVERYONE that is close to me was out having fun, but I am okay with my decision. Positives of the day....I was productive for sure and I was able to take my breaks with this beautiful gal...

4. Mayor's Cup was held on the 22nd. I think the Academic Team was a little disappointed with 2nd place, but I think they should all be really proud of themselves! 

5. Our National Championship girl fell asleep during the UofL-St. Louis game. How can you not smile at this?

6. Jayne had a girls night last weekend. Pizza and sundaes were yummy, but the company was the best. Her closest gal friends are so sweet and real! 
Gilmore Girls! 
Pizza Time!
7. I FINALLY finished my video taping for National Boards. NOW, I still have A LOT of typing to do. The thing that is so frustrating is that there is not enough time in a school day. I sometime have to be reminded of this...
I want to instill a love of learning in my students' brains and hearts, not test taking skills or the idea that you have to be proficient to be important. 

8. Went to the Football Call-In show with my mom. 
Side Note: Many people have asked what I think of having Bobby back. So before you wonder to yourself as to why I would go support him. There is nothing I can do about who Tom Jurich hires. I was skeptical because what normal person would't be. He skipped out on us. He left us scared! At the end of the day he is a coach. At the end of the day he has to answer to himself, his wife, and God. I am no one to judge someone else's wrongs. I trust Tom. Not to mention I was in college when Petrino was here last and those football games were some that I will NEVER forget. I even remember the black-out ones! 
Back to the point. I had dinner and a nice evening with my mom while talking about Cardinal Football! Love me some Cardinal Football!!! 

9. I LOVE the people I work with! Best staff ever!!! 
Family Divided!
10. This cool cat and his wife came into CPK last Sunday at the end of my shift. I didn't wait on them, but I got to eat lunch with them. I think he secretly likes selfies. Actually, I do not think he likes them, he just puts of with how much I like them. 
Favorite Little Brother!

11. I did get to wait on someone that is near and dear to my heart that I have not seen in a long time. Leslie and Alex stopped in for a mother and son lunch date. It was so comforting to see her and a great way to start the week! 

12. Ms. Rowan and I took some 5th grade gals to the WiSE (Woman in Science and Engineering Expo) this week. It was nice how they were able to interact and be a part of a team with students from other schools. One of their tasks was to build a structure out of marshmallows, pretzels, and gum drops that would hold this book for a minute. It was not as easy for them as it looks. 

13. The Academic Team gave me flowers. Precious. 

14. Proud to be a Cardinal fan. Always and forever. It may not have ended how we wanted it to, but this team gave us so many great memories. They lost a hard-fought game. Nothing to hang your head about. It's a game. Go Cards! 

15. Had one of the most fun compliment celebrations with my class yesterday! Their 5th chain of compliments reached the ground last week. We all agreed that it would be more fun to have our celebration the day before SB 2014. At the beginning of the year for their first celebration they wanted pizza. I told them I would treat them on their 5th one. We completed a days worth of work all before 1:00. We stayed focused! I kept them from special area so we would have more time together. We enjoyed pizza, watched The Little Rascals, danced a little and made some "foam" fingers in spirit of the game. 

16. It's Spring Break 2014!!! 

How did the last half of March go for you?


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