A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Saturday, April 12, 2014

It's THAT day again!!!!

1. Spent some time in the yard with dad last weekend. Key word SOME. Yard work is not my thing. I have my wonderful brothers to thank for that. They are the one that always mowed the yard when we were younger. Thanks bros! So random... I really just wanted to chill by the RV because spring football is Oh. So. Near!

2. So a lot of people are expecting babies all around. I'll continue to let everyone else drink the water. We celebrated baby Mayson last weekend. Little Mayson decided that she wanted some UofL gear to begin her fan collection. 

3. I had my very important observation this week. On our way to lunch Sydney (one of the most genuinely caring students ever) asked if I was nervous. I was truthful and said, "Yeah, a little bit." Jorge then followed that with, "Ms. Weiter just do what you do. Once you get started, just keep going and you will be fine." My heart melted instantly. Room 106 did our thing and I could not have asked for a better lesson. Fingers crossed ya'll! 

4. I have been fortunate enough to mentor my first teacher candidates this year. Student teaching is a pretty big deal because it gives you a feel for what to expect. You learn a lot within a pretty short amount of time. I am thankful for my student teachers that have jumped right into the learning and shown great initiative in helping the students learn and grow. 

5. Cardinal Football is HERE!!!! Well, not really, but kinda. The spring game was the perfect recipe to gets some things off of my mind. A few cold beers and a few close friends along with football made for a relaxing night. 

6. April 10th was siblings day. Mine rock! 

7.  April 8th was the one year anniversary of our Championship win. It's a night that I will never forget. I am thankful for such a wonderful team that impacted the hearts of Cards fans all around. They truly depicted what it means to be a student athlete and fought for the love of the game, their team, their fans, and their university. L1C4

8. This has stuck out in my mind a lot recently....
It's the golden rule for a reason. Think about it...

I hope you had a great week!


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