A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Friday, April 18, 2014

It's an Awesome Friday in April!

1. If I have said it once, I've said it a million times...the staff I work with at school is AMAZING! They are the true definition of a family at work. They laugh with ya, cry with ya, hope with ya, vent with ya, and even hashtag with ya! 

2. I had to cope (and still am coping) with the idea that I am going to be teaching 5th grade again next year. All of you that read this are probably pretty close with me and know that ever since I began teaching I've wanted out of 5th grade. Welp, it's not happening next year. It is what it is. I have to remember that I have a job doing what I love and the personality to make the best of it. Thankful for the people that let me complain...because I do not like to complain, but teaching 5th grade drives you to complain. No lie! 

3. I am thankful for the laughs my parents provide while they put me on speaker phone and proceed to have a hilarious conversation with each other about nothing. Basically, I'm thankful my dad is a little different and that my mom picks on him. (Dear Lord, please let them read this.) 

4. I am thankful for SUNSHINE!!!!! I love sunshine. Sunshine is music to the heart and soul. 

5. I wasn't at school on Thursday because of a National Boards work day. I put in a solid 12 hours of productivity. Yes, 12 hours of work and I didn't even go to work. I am thankful for the motivation I woke up with to begin the day!

6. I am thankful for the people in my life that are understanding that of the fact my work is important to me. 

7. I am thankful that I am still growing into me...

How was your week?

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