A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Friday, February 7, 2014

Oh Happy Day!

1. Okay, I am ready for my friend Spring to arrive. Cabin Fever has set in!  My feelings about snow days are super mixed now. It's like ya want em, ya get em, you are happy. Then....ya get some more, and more, and more, and more, and then you wonder if you are crazy for ever wanting them in the first place. As busy as my life can get, I really need the structure and routine. I am not as productive without it. Anyone else have this problem? 

2. I love my cousin Chris! I am thankful that my Aunt Christy brought us back together. We were "normal cousin close" growing up, but over time life happened and we grew apart. I remember riding roller coasters with him at Kings Island, he taught me how to play solitaire, he has always been super intelligent, and always gives me a hug when I see him.  Since he called me in June and asked me one of the most important questions I've ever been asked we've kept more in-touch with random conversation and thoughts. He brings a smile to my face. Smile on the face. Period. (He is also Cray!)

3. I have this odd addiction with the show Vanderpump Rules on Bravo. It's such a hot mess that I cannot stop watching. There was a marathon on Monday. I may or may have not had it on all day. 

4. I received a pretty special nomination this week. Words cannot express how much it means to me. A few that come to mind: Thankful. Blessed. Feeling loved. Motivated. EEEEKK! Really, me?

5. I feel like I am turning a corner in my reading instruction. Things are changing and the way reading content is delivered is becoming more rigorous and challenging for not only the kiddos, but the ones delivering. I feel good about where I'm headed. Plus, I was able to watch a super duper awesome colleague teach this week and that helped me see the light. Lot's more room to grow though! Definitely motivated!  

And a final thought...
Life is short.
Time is fast
No replay,
No rewind.
So enjoy every moment
as it comes...
How was your week?


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