A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Sunday, February 2, 2014

No Facebook for a Month

So, one of my 30th year challenges was to give up Facebook for a month. I have no clue who challenged me to this or what their motivation was. I'd say my Facebook activity was pretty average. I wouldn't be on it at all during the day because well I was at work of course. There was the occasional scroll through the news feed during lunch. I sometimes engulf myself with my phone at lunch because I do not like to talk during that time. Those 20 minutes go way too fast and are sometimes sacred- get it back together- minutes. Maybe the person that gave me the challenge feels that they are on Facebook to much or was just thinking that it couldn't be done. Anyways...the challenge arose and of course I had to complete it.

As thoughts arise about social media over the next month this post will added to throughout the month. Currently is it January 5th. When it's actually posted it will be February. Keep in mind that things change.

The first couple of days were the hardest weirdest. Not being in school I naturally had more time on my hands. I would pick up my phone for a little scroll and then remember that little blue icon had been deleted. I initially felt a tad bit out of the loop and wondered what  I was missing. I sent my mom a few Flipagrams and she posted them. I told her that was cheating, but she didn't think so. With my empty moments during commercials I started scrolling through Twitter. I usually looked at Twitter MAYBE once every 2-3 weeks before this. Twitter to me is more news related and less personable. I initially tweeted more in 2 days that what I had in the past year. It's easier to say more random info via Twitter. Not sure why, just is. Maybe because I have like 10 total followers! HA! Then all of the Charlie Strong news was going on and Twitter provided up-to-the second news. I was engulfed. I quickly realized that you could get breaking news in a flash! During this big coaching transition there was so much information to take in. 

Throughout my non-Facebook month I have had a few people say, "Did you see my status, or did you see that link I posted?" When my response is no, it's given a reason to have a meaningful conversation. The power of voice is greater in the connection of a friendship. It's more meaningful to hear your friends voice and expressions rather than the clicks on keyboard. It's kinda weird saying that because here I am clicking hoping you are there reading. Is this the same thing? Just a really really long status? Hmmmmmm....

I have had a few people reach out to me that I do not see on a regular basis ask how I was doing. This is evidence that Facebook helps people stay feel personally connected to those they do not see often.

Welp, the month is half over and to be honest....this isn't so bad. I still feel a little out of the loop, but not like I am missing anything.

It's January 22nd and my time off Facebook is almost over and really....I may not (will probably) return. :)  I find it funny that I have received, at minimum, one email a day from FB telling me that I am "missing" in the lives of my "friends." It's also interesting how many screen shots of news feeds that I have been sent of FB happenings. I think I have survived well without it. Maybe....just maybe...I'll pick a month to not participate in any social media.  I mean at least I thought about it. HA!

It's February 2nd and my challenge has been completed! I definitely think I view Facebook a little differently. I really don't want to explain myself here because I may go on a rant and that's not really necessary.

Bottom Line: Challenge Completed

Wonder what's next?!?!?!


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