A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday Fun

Love how my kiddos add to the frog collection! 

Holy Cow, did we just have a 5 day work week?!?! I think we did.

Some super great things to High 5 times 2 about this week...

1. Last Sunday at CPK I shared lunch with a gal named Kathleen. It was real. It was fun. It was actually really fun. She is real. She is fun and I am sure if I went out with her she would be really fun. I am thankful for this co-worker because she brought light to some things for me. This is a primary reason as to why leaving CPK will be so difficult for me. I love the friendships and the people. People that I would have never known and people that I may never have been friends with are people that I will never forget. 

2. Last Saturday I had a "car" date with my dear friend Emily and her adorable little guy, William. She drove me to another friends baby shower. All friendships deserve to be this easy. We caught up, but it felt like no time has passed between us. I think the only way I could actually tell that time has passed is that her little guy is getting so big! Thankful for her. 

3. We were finally able to celebrate Valentine's Day Monday afternoon. It is hands down the cutest holiday to spend with kids! I was shocked amazed at how polite everyone was. They genuinely enjoyed everything their classmates brought to share. 
My heart is 'Toad'ally smiling!

4. So a certain someone ran in a race last weekend. I asked him how he did and his reply was, "I did pretty good." That's all he said. I could hear a little change in his tone when he said it so I decided to do a little investigating. I found the race results and HOLY COW he did amazing. I won't go into details, but I'm one proud sister.

5. I am not sure what it was about Wednesday, but it was an awesome day in 106. I think every  most days are pretty great, but it just seems like they were "on-it!" Ready to go and ready to learn! I made sure I told them so too! AND WE FOUND THE SKITTLES!!!!! I give out very little candy and never on a regular basis. I have a small zip-lock bag of skittles and will randomly pass out one or two for a sweet treat to celebrate something. One of my reading groups were coming up with some great responses last week and I turned around to get the skittles off of the back shelf and they were gone. At least we thought they were gone. We talked about how sad it was that someone may have taken them. Who could have and who would have actually done this???? Welp, turns out the skittle were sitting under a book that I just so happened to move on Wednesday. Case closed! 

6. Thursday I was off work, but not really. I had a National Boards work day. I worked at my computer ALL day. I'm not so sure that I could ever work at a computer all day, every day. Actually, I know I couldn't. It was pretty darn boring. Positive side is that I was super productive. We all know that I love productivity!

7. Wedding festivities are under way for Leann and Chris. Last night the ladies went to the salon for mani's and pedi's. The workers were so darn cute catering to everyone. You could tell they really love Leann. I always like the peaceful 25 minutes in a pedicure chair. Then I got my spray tan on so I don't blind the guest with my ghostly white winter complexion. ;) 

8. Today was Career Day at school and it went awesome. It was the culminating event to the week of getting the kiddos pumped about college and dreams of a future career! I am so thankful that my SIL came to speak. She was a natural and really kepts the kiddos attention. Maybe she is a closet teacher. I love when my kiddos get to meet people that are special to me. They are really sweet. 
Welcome to the Lane! 
Who wouldn't want her as a nurse?!?!
Mrs. Weiter and Ms. Weiter! 
9. Tonight was Leann and Chris' rehearsal dinner. I enjoy my time with my friends that I do not get to see all of the time. I have always liked how weddings bring people together that never would have otherwise met. Leann has some pretty great bridesmaids. 
Steph and I! Look how tan we are...lol
One of the most genuine ladies you will ever meet! Love her!
Maids of the Bride!

10. Okay, so I have been a little stressed lately with keeping up with work. I have a lot on my plate right now so I ask for your patience, support, and understanding when I become even more anti-social than I already am. National Boards is a really really big deal and is becoming more and more time consuming. On top of that it's just that time of year that you want to make sure you get everything in for the "big test" (whomp! whomp!). I think I am in a good mind-set with staying positive, but I may need to vent a little. I am thanking you in advance. 

I am not afraid of tomorrow
for I have seen yesterday

How was your week?