A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Friday, February 28, 2014

What happened to February?!?!

WOW! Is today really the last day of February?!?! This means that Spring Break 2014 is in only 4 weeks. That seems cray! But, I love it! So much to do and so little time. Oh well....one day at a time is all we can do. I hope everyone had a really great week.

1. Leann and Chris began their happily ever after last Saturday! Leann did such a wonderful job with planning the wedding of her dreams and she looked absolutely stunning!
Beautiful Bride!
Party Pic with Steph!
Go Cards! 

2. We had a family dinner on Sunday. I'm not sure there could have been a better kick-off to a long week. My parents hosted  this week! I'm going to have to get my cooking skills ready for my turn. What should I make?!?!?! I continually feel lucky blessed to have such a wonderful and close-knit family that I can always count on! 

3. This girl completely melts my heart. Love her to a far away galaxy and back.
My first Sissy! 

4. This week felt super duper loooooonnnnnnggggg. We had parent-teacher conferences two nights this week. That made for 12+ hour days. Positive Side: We get a little extra moolah, and I was able to straighten some things out with parents. I met with 1/2 of the parents in my class which is pretty great and they all went well. Lot's of growth going on at the Lane! 

5. I am loving that it's staying lighter out later. I may not feel like Spring, but it's out there. It's a comin!  

It's a great day to be alive,
I know the sun's still shinin' when I close my eyes
There's some hard times in the neighborhood
But why can't every day be just this good?  

How was your week?!?!


Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday Fun

Love how my kiddos add to the frog collection! 

Holy Cow, did we just have a 5 day work week?!?! I think we did.

Some super great things to High 5 times 2 about this week...

1. Last Sunday at CPK I shared lunch with a gal named Kathleen. It was real. It was fun. It was actually really fun. She is real. She is fun and I am sure if I went out with her she would be really fun. I am thankful for this co-worker because she brought light to some things for me. This is a primary reason as to why leaving CPK will be so difficult for me. I love the friendships and the people. People that I would have never known and people that I may never have been friends with are people that I will never forget. 

2. Last Saturday I had a "car" date with my dear friend Emily and her adorable little guy, William. She drove me to another friends baby shower. All friendships deserve to be this easy. We caught up, but it felt like no time has passed between us. I think the only way I could actually tell that time has passed is that her little guy is getting so big! Thankful for her. 

3. We were finally able to celebrate Valentine's Day Monday afternoon. It is hands down the cutest holiday to spend with kids! I was shocked amazed at how polite everyone was. They genuinely enjoyed everything their classmates brought to share. 
My heart is 'Toad'ally smiling!

4. So a certain someone ran in a race last weekend. I asked him how he did and his reply was, "I did pretty good." That's all he said. I could hear a little change in his tone when he said it so I decided to do a little investigating. I found the race results and HOLY COW he did amazing. I won't go into details, but I'm one proud sister.

5. I am not sure what it was about Wednesday, but it was an awesome day in 106. I think every  most days are pretty great, but it just seems like they were "on-it!" Ready to go and ready to learn! I made sure I told them so too! AND WE FOUND THE SKITTLES!!!!! I give out very little candy and never on a regular basis. I have a small zip-lock bag of skittles and will randomly pass out one or two for a sweet treat to celebrate something. One of my reading groups were coming up with some great responses last week and I turned around to get the skittles off of the back shelf and they were gone. At least we thought they were gone. We talked about how sad it was that someone may have taken them. Who could have and who would have actually done this???? Welp, turns out the skittle were sitting under a book that I just so happened to move on Wednesday. Case closed! 

6. Thursday I was off work, but not really. I had a National Boards work day. I worked at my computer ALL day. I'm not so sure that I could ever work at a computer all day, every day. Actually, I know I couldn't. It was pretty darn boring. Positive side is that I was super productive. We all know that I love productivity!

7. Wedding festivities are under way for Leann and Chris. Last night the ladies went to the salon for mani's and pedi's. The workers were so darn cute catering to everyone. You could tell they really love Leann. I always like the peaceful 25 minutes in a pedicure chair. Then I got my spray tan on so I don't blind the guest with my ghostly white winter complexion. ;) 

8. Today was Career Day at school and it went awesome. It was the culminating event to the week of getting the kiddos pumped about college and dreams of a future career! I am so thankful that my SIL came to speak. She was a natural and really kepts the kiddos attention. Maybe she is a closet teacher. I love when my kiddos get to meet people that are special to me. They are really sweet. 
Welcome to the Lane! 
Who wouldn't want her as a nurse?!?!
Mrs. Weiter and Ms. Weiter! 
9. Tonight was Leann and Chris' rehearsal dinner. I enjoy my time with my friends that I do not get to see all of the time. I have always liked how weddings bring people together that never would have otherwise met. Leann has some pretty great bridesmaids. 
Steph and I! Look how tan we are...lol
One of the most genuine ladies you will ever meet! Love her!
Maids of the Bride!

10. Okay, so I have been a little stressed lately with keeping up with work. I have a lot on my plate right now so I ask for your patience, support, and understanding when I become even more anti-social than I already am. National Boards is a really really big deal and is becoming more and more time consuming. On top of that it's just that time of year that you want to make sure you get everything in for the "big test" (whomp! whomp!). I think I am in a good mind-set with staying positive, but I may need to vent a little. I am thanking you in advance. 

I am not afraid of tomorrow
for I have seen yesterday

How was your week?

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Hallmark Holiday Friday

Random things to High-5+some about this week....

1. Welp, it's Valentine's Day. The one day a year that you get to tell people that you love them right?!?!?! WRONG! Tell people you care about them all of the time. It'll make you smile more. Them too! Never really liked favored this day for obvious various reasons, but being a teacher on this day is sure does give it a touch of special. I've also decided NOT to be a Debbie on this day anymore. It's not worth it. Bummed that I did not get to see their faces, but Monday will be here soon enough. I modified their little goodie bag notes. They were originally going to say, "You are O'FISH'ally #awesome!" The bags are filled with goldfish. The fake ones. That you eat. I should have added, "We will celebrate on the 4th of July with sparklers!" 

2. A very special Krazy had a 60th, I mean 49th birthday party last weekend. Mrs. Dora sent me a text message telling me that they were having a get-together to celebrate and that I was invited to join the fun. My 29 year old self would have probably said, "Thanks for asking, but I've got some work to do," but my 30 year old self said, "Sounds great, I'll be there!" I am so glad I went because Dora and Krazy hold such a special place in my heart. Thank you Krazy for being born!

3. Challenge #11: Check! My Aunt Alma and Bear gave me a gift card to take my mom to lunch at one of her favorite restaurants, El Nopal. So with the SUPER SURPRISING SNOW DAY on Monday that is exactly what I did. I sent her at text that read, "Would you like to go to lunch on Alma and Bear today?" Her reply, "Is Alma off today?" She thought I was asking if I wanted to go to lunch WITH them. Once we got it all straightened out we had our plans. She talked to Bub earlier in the day and since he was off asked him to join. So there ya have it....Me, mom, and Bub had lunch at El Nopal on Alma and Bear. Thanks ya'll! 

4. I came home from my lunch date Monday to find homemade veggie soup hanging on my door knob. Man, people sure do know the way to my heart. Veggie soup! I've found it twice in the past few months in random places. This was from my Aunt Phyllis and Jo Jo! Sure do know how to make a gal feel special!!! <3

5.The FREE 10-minute neck massage at school on Thursday was pretty sweet. TEN full minutes of peace and quite. Heavenly.

6. I got a Valentine's card in the mail from one of my most favorite couples in the world. The smallest of gestures have the biggest effects. Definitely brought a smile to my face. 

7. Drive home phone calls from my dad just because are moments that I cherish. 

8. I went to school today, as I did on Monday to work a little bit. Sometimes it's refreshing to be in a place you love by yourself accomplishing things. Although today, I had a few friends there! 

9. Hope you all know that......


Happy Valentine's Day!!! 

How was your week?


Monday, February 10, 2014

The Kids Need to Know

My class loved the Flipagram that I made with their posters sharing what we should say more often that Last week when Kid President asked, "What do the kids need to know?" they spent their Friday indoor wellness coming up with these...

Anything you think the kids need to know? If so, tell them! :)


Friday, February 7, 2014

Oh Happy Day!

1. Okay, I am ready for my friend Spring to arrive. Cabin Fever has set in!  My feelings about snow days are super mixed now. It's like ya want em, ya get em, you are happy. Then....ya get some more, and more, and more, and more, and then you wonder if you are crazy for ever wanting them in the first place. As busy as my life can get, I really need the structure and routine. I am not as productive without it. Anyone else have this problem? 

2. I love my cousin Chris! I am thankful that my Aunt Christy brought us back together. We were "normal cousin close" growing up, but over time life happened and we grew apart. I remember riding roller coasters with him at Kings Island, he taught me how to play solitaire, he has always been super intelligent, and always gives me a hug when I see him.  Since he called me in June and asked me one of the most important questions I've ever been asked we've kept more in-touch with random conversation and thoughts. He brings a smile to my face. Smile on the face. Period. (He is also Cray!)

3. I have this odd addiction with the show Vanderpump Rules on Bravo. It's such a hot mess that I cannot stop watching. There was a marathon on Monday. I may or may have not had it on all day. 

4. I received a pretty special nomination this week. Words cannot express how much it means to me. A few that come to mind: Thankful. Blessed. Feeling loved. Motivated. EEEEKK! Really, me?

5. I feel like I am turning a corner in my reading instruction. Things are changing and the way reading content is delivered is becoming more rigorous and challenging for not only the kiddos, but the ones delivering. I feel good about where I'm headed. Plus, I was able to watch a super duper awesome colleague teach this week and that helped me see the light. Lot's more room to grow though! Definitely motivated!  

And a final thought...
Life is short.
Time is fast
No replay,
No rewind.
So enjoy every moment
as it comes...
How was your week?


Sunday, February 2, 2014

No Facebook for a Month

So, one of my 30th year challenges was to give up Facebook for a month. I have no clue who challenged me to this or what their motivation was. I'd say my Facebook activity was pretty average. I wouldn't be on it at all during the day because well I was at work of course. There was the occasional scroll through the news feed during lunch. I sometimes engulf myself with my phone at lunch because I do not like to talk during that time. Those 20 minutes go way too fast and are sometimes sacred- get it back together- minutes. Maybe the person that gave me the challenge feels that they are on Facebook to much or was just thinking that it couldn't be done. Anyways...the challenge arose and of course I had to complete it.

As thoughts arise about social media over the next month this post will added to throughout the month. Currently is it January 5th. When it's actually posted it will be February. Keep in mind that things change.

The first couple of days were the hardest weirdest. Not being in school I naturally had more time on my hands. I would pick up my phone for a little scroll and then remember that little blue icon had been deleted. I initially felt a tad bit out of the loop and wondered what  I was missing. I sent my mom a few Flipagrams and she posted them. I told her that was cheating, but she didn't think so. With my empty moments during commercials I started scrolling through Twitter. I usually looked at Twitter MAYBE once every 2-3 weeks before this. Twitter to me is more news related and less personable. I initially tweeted more in 2 days that what I had in the past year. It's easier to say more random info via Twitter. Not sure why, just is. Maybe because I have like 10 total followers! HA! Then all of the Charlie Strong news was going on and Twitter provided up-to-the second news. I was engulfed. I quickly realized that you could get breaking news in a flash! During this big coaching transition there was so much information to take in. 

Throughout my non-Facebook month I have had a few people say, "Did you see my status, or did you see that link I posted?" When my response is no, it's given a reason to have a meaningful conversation. The power of voice is greater in the connection of a friendship. It's more meaningful to hear your friends voice and expressions rather than the clicks on keyboard. It's kinda weird saying that because here I am clicking hoping you are there reading. Is this the same thing? Just a really really long status? Hmmmmmm....

I have had a few people reach out to me that I do not see on a regular basis ask how I was doing. This is evidence that Facebook helps people stay feel personally connected to those they do not see often.

Welp, the month is half over and to be honest....this isn't so bad. I still feel a little out of the loop, but not like I am missing anything.

It's January 22nd and my time off Facebook is almost over and really....I may not (will probably) return. :)  I find it funny that I have received, at minimum, one email a day from FB telling me that I am "missing" in the lives of my "friends." It's also interesting how many screen shots of news feeds that I have been sent of FB happenings. I think I have survived well without it. Maybe....just maybe...I'll pick a month to not participate in any social media.  I mean at least I thought about it. HA!

It's February 2nd and my challenge has been completed! I definitely think I view Facebook a little differently. I really don't want to explain myself here because I may go on a rant and that's not really necessary.

Bottom Line: Challenge Completed

Wonder what's next?!?!?!


Saturday, February 1, 2014

"It's everybody's duty to give the world a reason to dance!" -Kid President

Kid President is a little guy named Robby that makes videos weekly with his brother-in-law Brad. You can find their story at www.kidpresident.com. Beware....you may spend the next few hours watching his videos. He has the ability to make you laugh, cry, reflect, think, wanna dance, and inspire you to be more awesome. At school we watch and discuss his videos during morning meetings. The kids absolutely LOVE him! We have even watched his famous "Pep Talk" a faculty meeting. You will totally understand once you watch. 

A few weeks ago in room 106 we watched "Kid Presidents 20 Things We Should Say More Often"  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5yCOSHeYn4&list=PLzvRx_johoA-YabI6FWcU-jL6nKA1Um-t&index=7 and decided to come up with our own 20. I was pretty impressed there was only one duplicate. 


"Ya got air comin' 
through ya nose, 
ya got a heartbeat, 
that means it's time ta DO SOMETHING!" 
-Kid President