A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Monday, December 30, 2013

December 31,2013

December 31, 2013 is here. Depending on how you look at it, you have 86,400 seconds, 1,440 minutes, 96 quarter hours, 48 half-hours, or 24 hours to spend living life in this day. It's never going to come again. Some may have to work, some may spend time with family, some will be productive and others will be completely lazy. Some of you may take the time to kick the year out the door while others will be sad to see it go. Me on the other hand....I'm pretty indifferent this year. Not exactly sure why because there were some pretty fabulous moments and lots of personal growth, but this day just feels like any other. Simply wonderful. I kinda like that. Every day can be simply wonderful. Not saying every day is perfect, but take control of the the negative situations that will happen in life and work through them. You will be stronger and better prepared for the next life obstacle. God doesn't give you anything you cannot handle. Cliche as that sounds- I think it's true. I like a quote my SIL posted the other day that explains what I am trying to say well... "One day she finally grasped that unexpected things were always going to happen in life. And with that she realized the only control she had was how she chose to handle them. So, she made the decision to survive using courage, humor and grace. She was the Queen of her own life and the choice was hers." We have the power to control how we feel about life-even in difficult times. Moments in life happen and how we respond to them affect how we feel in the end. If you need to complain or lean on people it's okay. Do so, learn from it, move on. 

So, why create so much hustle and bustle to forget our past year to "start" fresh? Every day you wake up, you are giving that opportunity- it just needs to be taken. Create hustle and bustle to live in the moment. Cherish the time you have been given. Ring in the new year like it's Thanksgiving! Remember single people too while you turn to smooch with your significant other...haha...had to throw that out there. Hugs are good here. ;)

 No resolution or statement of "This year I am going to......" is ultimately going to change who we are. So, I think I'm going to ban New Year's resolutions in my life. I'm going to continue on my life resolution route to becoming a better me and a good person. 

With all of that being said....Here is an update on some of my challenges!

Challenge #6: Check
Not completely sure who this is from, but the more I look at it the more I think I have an idea. I am thankful for this challenge because I LOVE me some Cardinal football. I also like how this challenge says, "at least 1!" 
I appreciate his patience in answering all of my questions about the game. Pretty sure my season ticket will always be near his! 
Go Cards! 

Challenge #2: I have no clue who this one is from...

I just decided today that I wanted to take care of this one. I'm actually rather excited about it. For the month of January you will not see me on Facebook. When I ring in the new year, I'll be deleting the app for a while. With that being said, "Happy Birthday" to all you you January babies. Congratulations on any big life events. I hope you all have happy Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and weekends. I hope you are able to get through any obstacles. Good luck with new beginnings. You can find me as Hammertime1202 on instagram and KAWeiter on Twitter if you really want to know what's going on with me OR better yet...give me a call. If you need anything, I'm here! I'm gonna keep those forms of social media only because the challenge specifies Facebook. 

Challenge #24: This is one I was waiting on from a friend. My dear friend Jayne challenged me to spend at least 10 minutes every day with wine, coffee, or tea in an attempt to relax. (Since, I do not like tea, I have substituted Diet Caffeine Free Mountain Dew.) Her sweet note said, "Reflect on the wonderful things you've done that day or all the thing you are thankful for in your life." 

My journal for the day of December 25th. (Nothing crazy or fancy, but moments to be remembered.)
Today I...
Woke up at my parents.
Chatted with mom as she made breakfast for dad as I made cinnamon rolls. 
Enjoyed the first Friendsmas hosted by Jayne. Food was fab! 
Dropped off extra breakfast at Jayne's super husband's firehouse.
Went to the movies to see "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty." It was delightful.
Went to my parents for Christmas with the family.
Played Apples to Apples with Mom, Dad, Bub, and Kath.
Lisa and Craig joined for dinner after Christmas on her side of the family.
Exchanged gifts and enjoyed family time.
Today was perfect. 
Some other challenges are in progress, but not ready for the good ole' blog. 

Until next time...


Saturday, December 21, 2013

My Heart Is Full

I've never really done anything out of the ordinary the day before holiday break. I've never really felt like I had the time. I feel like there was always something that just needed to be done. I know I have had to give assessments or finished projects before. I have always admired some of my primary teacher friends that took the time to make the day magical for their students. It was always a great sight to see faces light up with joy and hearts filled with love. I secretly longed for that magic in my classroom, but never really thought I could pull it off. 

Today that changed.... 

A little background: The week of Thanksgiving I had my students share something they were thankful for that didn't cost any money. They had a lot of difficulty with this and that made me really sad for them. I wanted to find a way to teach them to be thankful for EVERYTHING no matter the price. How could I teach this lesson? How could I instill this inner emotion into their "I need more" mentalities? How could I show them that it's just as fun to give? My brain pondered this for a few days and I finally made the executive decision that the day before holiday break would be one to remember!

They flipped when they saw all of the gifts!
I decided that I would wrap all necessary items that would be needed for the day. EVERYTHING would be wrapped to add an element of surprise. I also wanted them to see that we should be thankful for everything we are given (They were happy about opening a present of salt and pepper...to be explained later.) I had a mix of games, crafting, movie time, and reflection. Everyone went with the flow and was genuinely happy. 

Our day...

We decided to wear our fun pajamas so it would feel like Christmas morning all day. We began with a short morning meeting where we drew our Secret Santa names. They brought this up earlier in the week because teachers have been participating in this fun holiday tradition all week. Everyday after lunch they would say, "Whad ya get?!?!" 

It was time to open our first gifts. I explained that everyone would have one and that everything that was opened was for all. The anticipation was killing them.  Lillie unwrapped napkins, Londis the plates, and Cameron, Tatyana, Kira, and Maccayah all opened doughnuts.I made all of the gifts a huge deal by thanking them for sharing such amazing things with their classmates and they all passed their item out. I thought for sure someone was going to laugh or complain, but they just went with the flow. Michael opened a holiday cartoon. Sheila was kind enough to say grace. She recited a simplistic, but beautiful saying. "God is great, God is good, Let us thank him for our food. By his hand we are fed. Thank you for our daily bread." We didn't get to watch our cartoon because of a school wide morning meeting, but we had breakfast and good company together. 
William opened our felt ornaments that we made. 

We put our desks together for the day!

We went to our school-wide morning meeting where all grade levels sang Christmas for all to hear. It was nice to see a class actually get into the singing. My class last year mumbled their way through the songs.

I blend in so well. 
When we came back into the room it was time for more gifts. Jorge opened a box of holiday fun activities, Skyler opened supplies to make cards for a local  nursing home and their secret Santa. For the nursing home cards, I had written a card explaining to them that the cards would be delivered to the place my aunt stayed at before she went to heaven and would help make the hearts of the people at the nursing home shine.  William opened supplies to make felt ornaments for our secret Santas. James, Austin, Kori, Mason, and Alex all opened supplies to make our melted snowman ornaments to give to our secret Santa as well. (See a theme here...everything we made was to be given to someone else.) Seeing kids unwrap these simplistic gifts and smile about it is pretty cool. Listening to James shake his peppercorn shouting, "I got pepper!" was super awesome. The holiday fun activities were in case all crafts were finished. They loved making the ornaments. We used a clear glass ornament, put in 6 scoops of kosher salt, 8 peppercorns, a small orange foam nose, a small ribbon scarf, and tied on a ribbon to hang it from. They turned out super cute!

I pulled small groups of students to my table to make super adorable melted snowman ornaments. It was so cute to have them pick out the colors they thought their secret Santa would like. Everyone worked with such precision and care. On cards to the local nursing home students had to write one thing about themselves, one wish for the person receiving the card, and one wish they would like to share about themselves. On the card to their secret Santa they had to write 5 nice things about them. A few had difficulty with this, but I was impressed with the finished products.

Some cards for the nursing home on the left. On the right are my gifts from my secret Santa. He knew my favorite color was green! 

After crafting it was time for lunch. Sydney opened "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" DVD and Kerwin opened the book. We brought our lunch back to the classroom and hung out for about 45 minutes. I needed a couple of minutes to make my gifts for my secret Santa.

We paused the movie and played some fun games! Ella opened a box with 4 Christmas stories that were created for the pass the bag to the left or right game. They thought it was hilarious. I had 3 gift bags that we passed. I just placed some crayons in the bag to make them think they were actual gifts. I had gone to
Wal-Mart and bought party favors. I got 25 favors for $6!! When a student won they had to pick a gift to GIVE to their secret Santa! This caught the first winners off guard, but they picked out something they thought their friend would like.

Pin the heart on the Grinch!
          Minute to win it
Win bag. 
Next we played "Pin the heart on the Grinch." I made a poster sized Grinch and cut out small hearts to pin. Eyes were covered and I spun students 5 times. This was a sight to see. I was impressed with the patience that was shown during this game. Only one student could go at a time meaning all others had to sit and wait. There were of course some super funny dizzy paths taken. Skyler won! She was almost right on the spot. Her prize was a gift for her secret Santa. 

My kiddos have a fascination with cup stacking. Our next game was to build a "tree" and take it down with 20 Styrofoam cups under a minute. All of the winners chose a prize for their secret Santa.

(Random FYI: We decided to skip our special area time to be together.)

The next part is my FAVORITE!!! 

Everyone sat in a big circle on the carpet. We set out ours stockings and laid out our items to share. So, students thus far had created a card with 5 nice things written in it, a felt ornament, a melted snowman ornament, and chosen a small toy all to give their secret Santa. We went around the circle said our secret persons name, shared one nice thing about them, walked over to them to give them their gifts, and said, Merry Christmas! It was the absolute cutest thing to witness. They were sweet, genuine, nervous, reserved, kind, thoughtful, and thankful. Some of them were caught off guard when people they are not usually friends with had chosen their name and shared such nice things. When the student chose me spoke out, my eyes filled with tears, because what I was witnessing was truly amazing. One may think that receiving the same gift as everyone else and the same gift you gave would be weird or pointless. It was the total opposite. It was working...they were giving...and they were thankful. 


When we went to back to our desks I asked a simple question....Did you learn anything today? Here are a few responses. They were coming at me so fast, I couldn't write them all down. 

Darius: "I believe you should always share and give to others."
Maccayah: "Giving is the right thing to do."
Jorge: "You feel better when you give than when you get."
Clarissa: "Thinking about others is more important than always thinking of yourself."
Sheila: "Be grateful."
Alex and Ella: "You should always be kind to others."
David: "Caring for others is more important than yourself."
Virgil: "If you give maybe you will receive too."(Oh Virgil!)
Sydney: "Spending time with others is important."

I think those responses are pretty great!

To bring the day to a close everyone passed out their goodies they brought in and we finished up the Grinch.

Their next surprise will be put in the mail tomorrow! A Christmas card with a homework pass! 

The $60 I spent to pull this off is nothing compared to the priceless memories that were made today. I hope they keep this lesson alive in their hearts forever. 


Monday, December 2, 2013

30 for 30

I love life, I appreciate life, I am thankful for my wonderful life, but sometimes I DO NOT LIVE my life. I get so completely wrapped up in work. I had a conversation with my sister-in-law towards the end of the summer about becoming a better me. I want to inspire and motivate others...in some way, shape, or form.

My thoughts on becoming a "better me" began when my cousin, Chris, and I took my aunt to New York City. I am the first to admit...I was not the closest with my Aunt Christy, but I could always count on her to call me on my birthday, give me some pencils for my classroom, and fill a room repeatedly with, "We need a 3" during UofL games, but had what I would call a normal relationship between and aunt and niece. During those 3 days with her and my cousin I realized I had a lot in me, more patience than I ever thought possible, more emotions than I knew existed, and a heart that told me to be something. I sat with my Aunt a few days after we returned and she told me to go for my National Boards because I can do anything if I put my mind to it. she also inspired me to start writing in a journal again (something I did all though high school). At the end of every day, I simply write down my day. Nothing fancy, but appreciation for small moments. They are the ones that lead to the big moments. I honestly feel like that "something" I am inspired to be- is to be the best person I can be, live life, enjoy the small things, appreciate every day, and treat others the way you want to be treated. She was so good at all of those things, I'm sorry I didn't take advantage of those qualities she possessed sooner. I really hope that I am making sense with all of this and I hope you find some inspiration to be great in some way...even if its just being a good person.

This brings me back to my conversation with my SIL. She helped me develop an eating routine and guided me through well balanced meals. She encouraged and motivated to to take some steps towards being more healthy. I'm not hoping to be the size I was in high school, but want to feel like ME...I think back to 2008. That's when I as really into running and that's when I felt most comfortable. I want that again. So for a few months, I have strictly been working on eating 3 good meals a day. I started cooking, which I have NEVER done, and making conscious decisions on what to put in my mouth. A few weeks ago I incorporated walking a few times a week. I'm getting there...

NOW this brings me to my challenges...
As you read in the previous post, I was totally surprised with a wonderful birthday party! The first gift I opened was a photo album with a sweet message form Kathy. It also had the slip of paper that explained the idea to my friends and family.

Kathy showing her creative side and giving me this adorable album to capture my year. 

1. Go to church...Anytime, anywhere!
2. Give up Facebook for a month.
3. Walk Lacie 30 times.
4.Watch 30 Christmas movies.
5. Paint a masterpiece.
6. Go watch Cardinal football... on the road.
7. 10 Yoga classes.
8. One dinner a month with 2 of my friends.
9. Show your creative side.
10. Blow an ornament.
11. Take your mom to lunch for quality time.
12. Visit my friends in Nashville!
13. Sign up for a race you're are not sure you can do, then train hard and DO IT!
14. Relax with a pedicure.
15. Treat a friend to coffee and pay it forward...
Here is what people filled out. Just perfect size to fit into my album. 

16. Go to a concert of a band you DON'T know. (I need some help with this one!)
17.Find a cause you believe in and volunteer in some way this year.
18. Commit to six more months of the gym I just joined.
19. Enjoy and make time for yourself- Get a massage.
20. I was given $30 of lottery tickets. I guess my challenge was to win??? I didn't...
21. Every single challenge is great, but this one...I really do not have words for. Only stipulation is that I am not allowed to tell my mom when I am going. She is freaking out, but I am sooooo completely and totally excited!

22. Spend an entire day on the couch.
23. Have a dinner party.
24. Waiting on challenge from a friend.
25.Waiting on challenge from a brother.
26.Waiting on challenge from my other brother. (See a theme here...brothers are so on top of things) :)
27-29 There were some people that partnered up on ideas, so I have talked a few people into thinking of challenges for 27-29.
30.For number 30 I am challenging myself to QUIT CPK. It will happen, not right now, but the end is near.

Some fun cards!

Over the next 12 months I am excited to take you along my 30 for 30 ride! As I complete a challenge I will share my experiences and give some details about my challengers!


Saturday, November 30, 2013

Holy Cow Macaroni and Cheese I am 30!!

Coolest Happy Birthday sign ever!! 

From the words of Tim McGraw...

"I think I’ll take a moment, celebrate my age 
The ending of an era and the turning of a page 

Now it’s time to focus in on where I go from here 

Lord have mercy on my next thirty years..."

So my 20's are officially over and I'm not in the least bit sad. They were real, they were fun, and a lot of times they were real fun. A lot happened in my 20's...

I graduated college...twice,
Stood up for my brothers as they said, "I do."
Landed my dream job-hated it for a while, and then completely fell in love with it,
I was in a lot of weddings, I went to a lot of weddings,
Bought and paid off my Libby Lou,
Bought my own place,
Ran two 1/2 marathons in 1 weekend and 7 others, 
Got a passport and went to the Bahamas,
Went to Vegas...3 times,
Saw Wrigley field for the first time,
Found my love of History,
Saw the Grand Canyon,
Developed some of the best teacher friend relationships,
Fell in love with a princess named Lacie,
Worked and continue to work at a pizza place where met some of my best friends,
Made a pretty tough professional decision,
Randomly decided that I'd like to marry a college football analyst that works for ESPN...Weird I know,
Traveled to Boston, Philadelphia, and Washington D.C with some amazing teachers,
Helped someone check off a bucket-list moment and was forever changed,
Realized I had a deep passion for UofL Football and have only missed 2 home games in 10 years,
My 22nd birthday was pretty amazing,
Became a CuZant... I really just love that word,
Had the worst hangover in my 20's after Wine Down Wednesday...oh and that one New Year's Eve with JoJo,
SOOOOOOOOOO Much more! I could go on and on, but those are the moments that stuck out first when I said, "Go Kim, think of memorable moments in 5 minutes."

Now it's time to focus on my next 30 years because I think my 30's are going to top my 20's. I've told myself that and truly believe big things are going to happen! The past couple of years I have let go of myself and put work before me. Now, I know this year I am working hard because of National Boards, but that is not an excuse to not take time to enjoy life. Plus,I'm submitting my portfolio in May and will take my assessments shortly after. That's only taking up 5-6 months of my 30's. Plus, it's a goal that I want to achieve so badly.

(All of the balloons had a picture of me at every age.)

(Party pic selfie with someone near and dear to my heart.)

My family did an amazing job of pre-aging me to my 30th year by throwing me a surprise party 2 weeks and 3 days BEFORE my actual birthday. THEY GOT ME!!! I thought I was going to dinner for my older ;) sister-in-law's birthday! It was the perfect decoy because her big 3-0 was at the beginning of November. 

I was a wonderful evening and I feel extremely blessed that a party was thrown for me. I mean, what did I do to deserve that?!?! I've always wanted a surprise party, but didn't think my family had in them (Sorry mom, dad, Bub, and Craig), but sister-in-laws are on top of things and maybe encouraged the others to get on board.

Kathy had a wonderful idea that I cannot wait to share. She sent out 30 cards to my nearest and dearest. With the cards people were to give me a challenge to complete in my 30th year.(Look for follow-up post on challenge details) There was a reoccurring theme of rest, relaxations, and rejuvenation. Everyone knows me well. I am looking forward to my 30th year experiencing my challenges...many items I've never done before and bringing you along on the journey....


Sunday, November 24, 2013

What is National Board Certification and Why have I chosen the process for me?

National Board Certification is a voluntary assessment program designed to develop, retain and recognize accomplished teachers, and to embed ongoing improvement in schools nationwide. While state teacher credentialing programs set the basic requirements to teach in each state, National Board Certified Teachers must demonstrate advanced teaching knowledge, skills and practices. Completion of National Board Certification signifies that teachers have developed and demonstrated the skills required of an accomplished education professional. (www.nbpts.org)
While attending a few PD’s on the possibility of pursuing certification, as well as, attending a 3-day seminar to get started it was stated many times that the process is INTENSE, and it takes a majority of people 3 years to achieve certification. I’m in it for the long haul and if you are reading this I hope you are with me too!
 Here are a FEW of my materials. My binders have grown... I have videoed lessons voice recorded standards to go along with them.
                                                       The busy gal has gotten busier.
You can tell that teachers conducted my 3-day seminar. 

Achieving certification is a goal that I have had since student teaching in the most wonderful kindergarten classroom in the world. My mentor teacher was waiting on her scores to be released and said, “This will be you one day.” I admit, at the time, I did not really understand the magnitude of what going through the process really meant. I was just worried about graduating (and never fainting in front of little ones on observation day again)! We all know I graduated (had the most wonderful graduation celebration ever) and spent the next 7 months waiting to land that dream job. I could go on explaining my teaching career thus far, but that’s for another day.
 At the end of last year I asked a lot of questions and read a lot of materials on the National Board process. I have always loved learning new things and always look to further my education. I have never had the desire to be anything “higher up” in my profession, but have always hoped to be the BEST teacher I can be. This helped me decide on National Boards- it’s reflective on my own practice, takes place in my own classroom, with my own kiddos. The process is in my own hands, not in the hands of a professor grading my papers or exams.  I feel like I work hard day in and day out and I really want my efforts to be recognized. So here I am…
Yesterday scores were released for last years candidates and here are some posts I saw on Facebook that stuck a small chord.
·        * To those who did not quite hit that "magic number" I will say this today (as I have said for over a decade)...One number does NOT define you as a teacher. What you do and say in your classroom each and every day is your defining point. You did not pass or fail today. You either accomplished your certification or you have taken the next step forward. Celebrate every. single. point. you. earned. There are thousands of teachers out there who were not working as hard to be as reflective as you have been throughout this process. When your peers begin to ask how you did simply respond with, "I am one step closer."
·        * A year ago I was doing the same thing you all are doing today!! I helped three teachers in my school this year and watched some friends go through this!!! I have the same feeling today as I did this year!!!! Congrats to all who have certified and attempted!!! If you didn't certify....DON'T GIVE UP!!!!! It will be worth it and you won't regret it!!!

·         *I passed! What a crazy year. I just cried for 10 minutes - my husband thought I failed!!

·        * Remember: National Boards is about professional development. We're not better teachers because we made a qualifying score, we are better teachers for having participated with fidelity in the process. So to new & old NBCTs, new candidates, and on-going candidates~congrats and best of luck to us all as we continue our professional journey. 
*   *Yes...don't give up...This process is designed to take the full 3 years...those that achieve on the first attempt are lucky but believe me there are more in the retake boat than you think. When I didn't achieve the first time I decided to to slow down and take the full 3 years. I went into year 2 knowing I probably wouldn't make it that year (and I didn't) but brought my score up to within 5. I finished year 3 with NO room to spare but I learned so much those final 2 years...way more than I did when I had to to all of it. Think about it...you have time to make up your mind with your brain and not your heart...

*Next November, I’ll either be asking you to celebrate with me or asking you to push me though another year! 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Ten for Tuesday

Tuesday's Ten...

1. Visited with my aunt.
2. Hung out with my favorite dog sisters.
3. Hugged my mom.
4. Read a professional journal article.
5. Finished 2 loads of laundry.
6. Bought a new shirt.
7. Watered my flowers.
8. Worked on operation organize file cabinet.
9. Created a summer to-do list for school, personal, and home.
10. Finished part of an assignment for my Teaching American History group.


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Another School Year in the Books

A month or so ago, I mentioned to my dad that I wish I was a passionate about my job. That sometimes I feel bad when people ask how school is going and I can only sigh and say, "It's going," or respond with a, "please let me have a break." I've always wanted to be the type of teacher that lights up when asked that question. My dad laughed and I became confused. He was laughing because he said, "Don't you see, you are passionate, but also a realist." He pointed out that my passion comes out in my countless hours of working, in that I have come such a long way since I started, and all of the times that I share the good and happy stories. I may not light up all of the time because that's impossible. The realistic side of teaching- with all of the demands put on us- it truly is hard to keep up when you do every task to the best of your ability and not get down every once in a while. 

The beginning of this school year brought a lot of hope and promise of having a fresh new start. I was ready for a new adventure in a new school with all new kiddos. The first two days were two that I am sure to never forget. There was absolutely no honeymoon phase with this group. There were on fire from the start! I wasn't sure I was going to make it. Little did I know...they changed me.

So here I am, nine months later, getting ready to have my 4th class move on to middle school. I'd say we've all come a long way. I've learned a great deal this year from the students in my class. With the firecrackers in this bunch they have given me the strength to know that I can do anything I put my mind to. Thus, me being ready to put my National Board Certification goal into action. I feel like tomorrow's promotion is a sign of all of our accomplishments and hard work.

Even through the tough times when I am dead tired and ready to throw in the towel, I love what I do! I just need to remind myself of it every once in a while. I'll never forget my very first interview to get into the MAT program at UL that asked something about the many roles a teacher fills. One of the items I mentioned is that as adults we must never stop learning. There is always room to grow. I love learning and this group pushed me to learn! They pushed me to learn about a wide range of behaviors, they pushed me to learn about how important structure is, they pushed me to continually let my patience grow, they pushed me to let things go and start over, they pushed me to realize the importance of having a morning meeting EVERY day, they pushed me to make sure I would never give up, and they definitely pushed me to take deep breaths...literally take deep breaths, count to ten, and keep going. :)

These are the first thoughts that come to mind when I think of my kiddos this year.
IA- Things are not easy for all of us. Sometimes we have to work twice as hard as others to get the same results.
MB- No matter how tough life is at home- you can still find happiness and treat others how you wish to be treated.
SC- That you should always take your time.
AC- Sometimes it's truly impossible to focus, but that doesn't mean you do not care.
AC- You have to learn from your mistakes.
RC- It's important to always follow the rules.
JD- To always self-reflect.
AD- To remember the quiet kids.
RE- Helping other gives you happiness.
JF- You can turn any letter in the alphabet into an animal AND it's possible to completely comprehend and entire lesson while drawing a detailed picture of a sunset.
CG- It's okay to wear your heart on your sleeve.
PG- Always stand up for yourself.
DG- Love those around you...always.
MH- That you must always work to become better at something.
TK- You must be goofy every once in a while.
KL- We all want to be loved.
TM- Remember to always get enough sleep.
TR-You can learn something every day!
JJ- Crafts are important...even in 5th grade.
MR- NEVER STOP asking questions.
DR- In the midst of chaos, you can still learn.
JS- It's okay to be chill.
QW- God gave you one mouth and two ears. So, you should listen twice as much as you talk.

I think I know where my passion is....In the hearts of the children that I am lucky enough to teach.
They melt my heart.