A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Monday, December 2, 2013

30 for 30

I love life, I appreciate life, I am thankful for my wonderful life, but sometimes I DO NOT LIVE my life. I get so completely wrapped up in work. I had a conversation with my sister-in-law towards the end of the summer about becoming a better me. I want to inspire and motivate others...in some way, shape, or form.

My thoughts on becoming a "better me" began when my cousin, Chris, and I took my aunt to New York City. I am the first to admit...I was not the closest with my Aunt Christy, but I could always count on her to call me on my birthday, give me some pencils for my classroom, and fill a room repeatedly with, "We need a 3" during UofL games, but had what I would call a normal relationship between and aunt and niece. During those 3 days with her and my cousin I realized I had a lot in me, more patience than I ever thought possible, more emotions than I knew existed, and a heart that told me to be something. I sat with my Aunt a few days after we returned and she told me to go for my National Boards because I can do anything if I put my mind to it. she also inspired me to start writing in a journal again (something I did all though high school). At the end of every day, I simply write down my day. Nothing fancy, but appreciation for small moments. They are the ones that lead to the big moments. I honestly feel like that "something" I am inspired to be- is to be the best person I can be, live life, enjoy the small things, appreciate every day, and treat others the way you want to be treated. She was so good at all of those things, I'm sorry I didn't take advantage of those qualities she possessed sooner. I really hope that I am making sense with all of this and I hope you find some inspiration to be great in some way...even if its just being a good person.

This brings me back to my conversation with my SIL. She helped me develop an eating routine and guided me through well balanced meals. She encouraged and motivated to to take some steps towards being more healthy. I'm not hoping to be the size I was in high school, but want to feel like ME...I think back to 2008. That's when I as really into running and that's when I felt most comfortable. I want that again. So for a few months, I have strictly been working on eating 3 good meals a day. I started cooking, which I have NEVER done, and making conscious decisions on what to put in my mouth. A few weeks ago I incorporated walking a few times a week. I'm getting there...

NOW this brings me to my challenges...
As you read in the previous post, I was totally surprised with a wonderful birthday party! The first gift I opened was a photo album with a sweet message form Kathy. It also had the slip of paper that explained the idea to my friends and family.

Kathy showing her creative side and giving me this adorable album to capture my year. 

1. Go to church...Anytime, anywhere!
2. Give up Facebook for a month.
3. Walk Lacie 30 times.
4.Watch 30 Christmas movies.
5. Paint a masterpiece.
6. Go watch Cardinal football... on the road.
7. 10 Yoga classes.
8. One dinner a month with 2 of my friends.
9. Show your creative side.
10. Blow an ornament.
11. Take your mom to lunch for quality time.
12. Visit my friends in Nashville!
13. Sign up for a race you're are not sure you can do, then train hard and DO IT!
14. Relax with a pedicure.
15. Treat a friend to coffee and pay it forward...
Here is what people filled out. Just perfect size to fit into my album. 

16. Go to a concert of a band you DON'T know. (I need some help with this one!)
17.Find a cause you believe in and volunteer in some way this year.
18. Commit to six more months of the gym I just joined.
19. Enjoy and make time for yourself- Get a massage.
20. I was given $30 of lottery tickets. I guess my challenge was to win??? I didn't...
21. Every single challenge is great, but this one...I really do not have words for. Only stipulation is that I am not allowed to tell my mom when I am going. She is freaking out, but I am sooooo completely and totally excited!

22. Spend an entire day on the couch.
23. Have a dinner party.
24. Waiting on challenge from a friend.
25.Waiting on challenge from a brother.
26.Waiting on challenge from my other brother. (See a theme here...brothers are so on top of things) :)
27-29 There were some people that partnered up on ideas, so I have talked a few people into thinking of challenges for 27-29.
30.For number 30 I am challenging myself to QUIT CPK. It will happen, not right now, but the end is near.

Some fun cards!

Over the next 12 months I am excited to take you along my 30 for 30 ride! As I complete a challenge I will share my experiences and give some details about my challengers!


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