A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Sunday, November 24, 2013

What is National Board Certification and Why have I chosen the process for me?

National Board Certification is a voluntary assessment program designed to develop, retain and recognize accomplished teachers, and to embed ongoing improvement in schools nationwide. While state teacher credentialing programs set the basic requirements to teach in each state, National Board Certified Teachers must demonstrate advanced teaching knowledge, skills and practices. Completion of National Board Certification signifies that teachers have developed and demonstrated the skills required of an accomplished education professional. (www.nbpts.org)
While attending a few PD’s on the possibility of pursuing certification, as well as, attending a 3-day seminar to get started it was stated many times that the process is INTENSE, and it takes a majority of people 3 years to achieve certification. I’m in it for the long haul and if you are reading this I hope you are with me too!
 Here are a FEW of my materials. My binders have grown... I have videoed lessons voice recorded standards to go along with them.
                                                       The busy gal has gotten busier.
You can tell that teachers conducted my 3-day seminar. 

Achieving certification is a goal that I have had since student teaching in the most wonderful kindergarten classroom in the world. My mentor teacher was waiting on her scores to be released and said, “This will be you one day.” I admit, at the time, I did not really understand the magnitude of what going through the process really meant. I was just worried about graduating (and never fainting in front of little ones on observation day again)! We all know I graduated (had the most wonderful graduation celebration ever) and spent the next 7 months waiting to land that dream job. I could go on explaining my teaching career thus far, but that’s for another day.
 At the end of last year I asked a lot of questions and read a lot of materials on the National Board process. I have always loved learning new things and always look to further my education. I have never had the desire to be anything “higher up” in my profession, but have always hoped to be the BEST teacher I can be. This helped me decide on National Boards- it’s reflective on my own practice, takes place in my own classroom, with my own kiddos. The process is in my own hands, not in the hands of a professor grading my papers or exams.  I feel like I work hard day in and day out and I really want my efforts to be recognized. So here I am…
Yesterday scores were released for last years candidates and here are some posts I saw on Facebook that stuck a small chord.
·        * To those who did not quite hit that "magic number" I will say this today (as I have said for over a decade)...One number does NOT define you as a teacher. What you do and say in your classroom each and every day is your defining point. You did not pass or fail today. You either accomplished your certification or you have taken the next step forward. Celebrate every. single. point. you. earned. There are thousands of teachers out there who were not working as hard to be as reflective as you have been throughout this process. When your peers begin to ask how you did simply respond with, "I am one step closer."
·        * A year ago I was doing the same thing you all are doing today!! I helped three teachers in my school this year and watched some friends go through this!!! I have the same feeling today as I did this year!!!! Congrats to all who have certified and attempted!!! If you didn't certify....DON'T GIVE UP!!!!! It will be worth it and you won't regret it!!!

·         *I passed! What a crazy year. I just cried for 10 minutes - my husband thought I failed!!

·        * Remember: National Boards is about professional development. We're not better teachers because we made a qualifying score, we are better teachers for having participated with fidelity in the process. So to new & old NBCTs, new candidates, and on-going candidates~congrats and best of luck to us all as we continue our professional journey. 
*   *Yes...don't give up...This process is designed to take the full 3 years...those that achieve on the first attempt are lucky but believe me there are more in the retake boat than you think. When I didn't achieve the first time I decided to to slow down and take the full 3 years. I went into year 2 knowing I probably wouldn't make it that year (and I didn't) but brought my score up to within 5. I finished year 3 with NO room to spare but I learned so much those final 2 years...way more than I did when I had to to all of it. Think about it...you have time to make up your mind with your brain and not your heart...

*Next November, I’ll either be asking you to celebrate with me or asking you to push me though another year! 

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