A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Another School Year in the Books

A month or so ago, I mentioned to my dad that I wish I was a passionate about my job. That sometimes I feel bad when people ask how school is going and I can only sigh and say, "It's going," or respond with a, "please let me have a break." I've always wanted to be the type of teacher that lights up when asked that question. My dad laughed and I became confused. He was laughing because he said, "Don't you see, you are passionate, but also a realist." He pointed out that my passion comes out in my countless hours of working, in that I have come such a long way since I started, and all of the times that I share the good and happy stories. I may not light up all of the time because that's impossible. The realistic side of teaching- with all of the demands put on us- it truly is hard to keep up when you do every task to the best of your ability and not get down every once in a while. 

The beginning of this school year brought a lot of hope and promise of having a fresh new start. I was ready for a new adventure in a new school with all new kiddos. The first two days were two that I am sure to never forget. There was absolutely no honeymoon phase with this group. There were on fire from the start! I wasn't sure I was going to make it. Little did I know...they changed me.

So here I am, nine months later, getting ready to have my 4th class move on to middle school. I'd say we've all come a long way. I've learned a great deal this year from the students in my class. With the firecrackers in this bunch they have given me the strength to know that I can do anything I put my mind to. Thus, me being ready to put my National Board Certification goal into action. I feel like tomorrow's promotion is a sign of all of our accomplishments and hard work.

Even through the tough times when I am dead tired and ready to throw in the towel, I love what I do! I just need to remind myself of it every once in a while. I'll never forget my very first interview to get into the MAT program at UL that asked something about the many roles a teacher fills. One of the items I mentioned is that as adults we must never stop learning. There is always room to grow. I love learning and this group pushed me to learn! They pushed me to learn about a wide range of behaviors, they pushed me to learn about how important structure is, they pushed me to continually let my patience grow, they pushed me to let things go and start over, they pushed me to realize the importance of having a morning meeting EVERY day, they pushed me to make sure I would never give up, and they definitely pushed me to take deep breaths...literally take deep breaths, count to ten, and keep going. :)

These are the first thoughts that come to mind when I think of my kiddos this year.
IA- Things are not easy for all of us. Sometimes we have to work twice as hard as others to get the same results.
MB- No matter how tough life is at home- you can still find happiness and treat others how you wish to be treated.
SC- That you should always take your time.
AC- Sometimes it's truly impossible to focus, but that doesn't mean you do not care.
AC- You have to learn from your mistakes.
RC- It's important to always follow the rules.
JD- To always self-reflect.
AD- To remember the quiet kids.
RE- Helping other gives you happiness.
JF- You can turn any letter in the alphabet into an animal AND it's possible to completely comprehend and entire lesson while drawing a detailed picture of a sunset.
CG- It's okay to wear your heart on your sleeve.
PG- Always stand up for yourself.
DG- Love those around you...always.
MH- That you must always work to become better at something.
TK- You must be goofy every once in a while.
KL- We all want to be loved.
TM- Remember to always get enough sleep.
TR-You can learn something every day!
JJ- Crafts are important...even in 5th grade.
MR- NEVER STOP asking questions.
DR- In the midst of chaos, you can still learn.
JS- It's okay to be chill.
QW- God gave you one mouth and two ears. So, you should listen twice as much as you talk.

I think I know where my passion is....In the hearts of the children that I am lucky enough to teach.
They melt my heart.

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