A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Friday, August 15, 2014


I have an end of the school year post in my drafts, but I'm not quite finished with it. Weird that a new year has started, but I cannot let go of my kiddos from last year.There comes a time that we all must move on. I'll definitely share my post when I finish. This year has started off well and I already love 19 out of my 21 kiddos. I'm glad I have some time for the other 2 to grow on me. :)

Here are some awesome moments from the past week...

1. Had a second Friday of the month dinner with some amazing colleagues! 

2. Worked a Saturday shift at CPK. I think this is awesome because it will most likely be the last Saturday I ever work at CPK. :( 

3. TAILGATE PRACTICE!!!!! Huge success! Go Cards!!!! 

4. Our staff retreat was so fun! 

5. Back-To-School at the Lane! 

 6. No words can express how thankful I am for this chick! 

7. I love my new team.

8. I have increased my mileage to 2.7 this week. I'm thrilled with that! 

9. Room 106 is already on it's way to being AWESOME!!! 

10. I have heard that some of my kiddos from last year are adjusting well! This makes my heart smile!

I hope you have had some awesome moments too!!!


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