A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Friday, August 29, 2014

High-Five for Friday!

Some fun things from this week...

1. I was able to have dinner with my Dad and PaPa! Most relaxed company ever!

2. I made it to the 4 mile mark!!! Haven't logged any walking miles since vacation. I feel like a "runner" again and that makes me smile! 

3. It was National Dog day for these find sissies! 


4. My brother beat me in our first challenge and it totally makes me smile! Love the friendly competition and motivation. I am also okay with "losing" by 12 hours. Plus, it doesn't feel like a lose. Running 30 miles in 9 days is A-OK with me. 

5. Waited out the storm to complete my challenge. If would have been easier to stop, but I stood back and soaked up the moment. 


6. I made it to Friday and that's pretty awesome considering the way I felt after Monday and Tuesday. 

7. Extremely thankful for my friend Genna that came and helped me rearrange my classroom. I liked the way it was, but it just wasn't working 100%. I needed my feng shui back and I am not sure I could have made it the entire year. Of course we had dinner to hang out and catch up! 

8. Only 3 more sleeps until family, friends, tailgating, and football! Yippee!!! 

9. I began taking a Literacy class this week and I am really excited about the new strategies I am going to learn! 

Hope you had some smiles this week! 


Friday, August 22, 2014

Yippee, it's F.R.I.D.A.Y!!!

Some awesome things from this week...

1. I am so thankful for the help my parents gave me with out the blink of an eye with my car troubles! I know my dad is not big on shout outs, but he definitely deserves it! 

2. Family dinner never disappoints! 

3. Thankful for my motivators!!! 

4. First 5 day week in the books! 

5. My class was outside for wellness today and my little Cam from my class last year was waiting in the car rider line to pick up his sister. She is in my class this year and is just as sweet! No joke, my heart dropped and we ran towards each other until we met with a big hug. Made my day more like made my month! 

6. Football is in T-Minus 10 days!!!! Make sure you stop by the tailgate!! 

I hope you had a great week! 

Friday, August 15, 2014


I have an end of the school year post in my drafts, but I'm not quite finished with it. Weird that a new year has started, but I cannot let go of my kiddos from last year.There comes a time that we all must move on. I'll definitely share my post when I finish. This year has started off well and I already love 19 out of my 21 kiddos. I'm glad I have some time for the other 2 to grow on me. :)

Here are some awesome moments from the past week...

1. Had a second Friday of the month dinner with some amazing colleagues! 

2. Worked a Saturday shift at CPK. I think this is awesome because it will most likely be the last Saturday I ever work at CPK. :( 

3. TAILGATE PRACTICE!!!!! Huge success! Go Cards!!!! 

4. Our staff retreat was so fun! 

5. Back-To-School at the Lane! 

 6. No words can express how thankful I am for this chick! 

7. I love my new team.

8. I have increased my mileage to 2.7 this week. I'm thrilled with that! 

9. Room 106 is already on it's way to being AWESOME!!! 

10. I have heard that some of my kiddos from last year are adjusting well! This makes my heart smile!

I hope you have had some awesome moments too!!!


A Few Summer Moments

My computer was in the shop most of Summer, but here are a few fun moments I am thankful for. 

A family friend's wedding. Brittany was like a little sister to me while growing up. She made a beautiful bride!

Watching some USA Soccer at Shenanigans!

 I absolutely LOVED being able to have lunch with some of my McFerran family!!! We met at Wagner's Pharmacy and I just really liked this sign. 

 Thirsty Thursday at the Bats.

Celebrating the 4th at Hurricane Bay. 

5th of July party. 

Dinner with one of my most special friends! Love being able to spend some quality time with Mags!! 

Finally made it to the beach and had an absolute BLAST!!!! Such a fun week and a vacation that I will remember for many many years to come. 

I loved that I was able to spend about 4 days a week at CPK with this guy. He is AMAZING!!!!

Finally was able to ride some rides at KK!! Definitely took me back to some grade school days!

Just want to say this again....I'm going to be an AUNT TIMES 2!!!!!

I made time to read quite a few books too!!! I would definitely rec commend all of the ones I read. (These are the ones I can think of off of the top of my head,)
The Giver
The Fault in Our Stars
Joey Pigza Loses Control

I hope you enjoyed some nice summer moments! 