A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Another day of AWESOME!

So I am sure all of you know, National Boards has be totally tied down. I have taken a few "brain breaks" to keep me sane and I am definitely making progress on one of the most difficult tasks I have ever signed up for. I'll get there. Here are a few moments I am thankful for over the past week or so...

1. Gilmore Lane peeps had dinner at the Grape Leaf to celebrate new beginnings for Mrs. Tabor! 

2. I LOVE mini-marathon day. I have attended the marathon a long as I can remember. I love seeing the faces this wonderful city. 

3. I was scheduled to work at CPK on Easter Sunday. Weird! I am glad Leann was working because I was able to spend a little time with her. I am also glad that I was able to stop by the family Easter and see everyone.

4. My older :) sister-in-law ran the Boston Marathon for the 2nd year in a row. Pretty amazing! We had dinner to celebrate the run. 

5. I had lunch with one of my favorites, Kara! I love spending time with her. 

6. I went on my plane ride!!!! Definitely a neat experience. I am not going to lie, I was super nervous and very happy when my feet touched the ground. Here is our trip in some pics!

Thank you Zimmermans, Newmans, and Huckabones! 

I am thinking, "HOLY COW!"

Downtown looks so tiny!

This was my favorite view! 
Prepare for landing! 
We made it! 

Feet on the ground! 

Cool experience! 

Our ride! TINY!!! 

How was your week?

Friday, April 18, 2014

It's an Awesome Friday in April!

1. If I have said it once, I've said it a million times...the staff I work with at school is AMAZING! They are the true definition of a family at work. They laugh with ya, cry with ya, hope with ya, vent with ya, and even hashtag with ya! 

2. I had to cope (and still am coping) with the idea that I am going to be teaching 5th grade again next year. All of you that read this are probably pretty close with me and know that ever since I began teaching I've wanted out of 5th grade. Welp, it's not happening next year. It is what it is. I have to remember that I have a job doing what I love and the personality to make the best of it. Thankful for the people that let me complain...because I do not like to complain, but teaching 5th grade drives you to complain. No lie! 

3. I am thankful for the laughs my parents provide while they put me on speaker phone and proceed to have a hilarious conversation with each other about nothing. Basically, I'm thankful my dad is a little different and that my mom picks on him. (Dear Lord, please let them read this.) 

4. I am thankful for SUNSHINE!!!!! I love sunshine. Sunshine is music to the heart and soul. 

5. I wasn't at school on Thursday because of a National Boards work day. I put in a solid 12 hours of productivity. Yes, 12 hours of work and I didn't even go to work. I am thankful for the motivation I woke up with to begin the day!

6. I am thankful for the people in my life that are understanding that of the fact my work is important to me. 

7. I am thankful that I am still growing into me...

How was your week?

Saturday, April 12, 2014

It's THAT day again!!!!

1. Spent some time in the yard with dad last weekend. Key word SOME. Yard work is not my thing. I have my wonderful brothers to thank for that. They are the one that always mowed the yard when we were younger. Thanks bros! So random... I really just wanted to chill by the RV because spring football is Oh. So. Near!

2. So a lot of people are expecting babies all around. I'll continue to let everyone else drink the water. We celebrated baby Mayson last weekend. Little Mayson decided that she wanted some UofL gear to begin her fan collection. 

3. I had my very important observation this week. On our way to lunch Sydney (one of the most genuinely caring students ever) asked if I was nervous. I was truthful and said, "Yeah, a little bit." Jorge then followed that with, "Ms. Weiter just do what you do. Once you get started, just keep going and you will be fine." My heart melted instantly. Room 106 did our thing and I could not have asked for a better lesson. Fingers crossed ya'll! 

4. I have been fortunate enough to mentor my first teacher candidates this year. Student teaching is a pretty big deal because it gives you a feel for what to expect. You learn a lot within a pretty short amount of time. I am thankful for my student teachers that have jumped right into the learning and shown great initiative in helping the students learn and grow. 

5. Cardinal Football is HERE!!!! Well, not really, but kinda. The spring game was the perfect recipe to gets some things off of my mind. A few cold beers and a few close friends along with football made for a relaxing night. 

6. April 10th was siblings day. Mine rock! 

7.  April 8th was the one year anniversary of our Championship win. It's a night that I will never forget. I am thankful for such a wonderful team that impacted the hearts of Cards fans all around. They truly depicted what it means to be a student athlete and fought for the love of the game, their team, their fans, and their university. L1C4

8. This has stuck out in my mind a lot recently....
It's the golden rule for a reason. Think about it...

I hope you had a great week!


Friday, April 4, 2014

WOW! Time if flying by! Crazy to think that April started this week! Some wonderful things from this past week...

1.Last Saturday I did NADA. ZILCH. NOTHING  constructive or productive AT ALL and it was glorious. I watched a bunch of Bravo! On-Demand, and some basketball. I think I can check my lazy day off of my challenge list! 

2. My most favorite team in the world may have lost to a rival last week, but I think Pitino said it best, "Stay humble in victory and be gracious in defeat." I'm smiling because it happened, not crying because it's over. 
Russdiculious being Russdiculious! 
 3.We had a wonderful family dinner hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Deal. They made some delicious home-made pizza's. Lisa topped it off with an equally delicious fruit pizza. That was not planned, just a coincidence. 

4. I made it to the gym with my mom a few days! 

5. I enjoyed dinner on the river with Leann and Stephanie! 

6. I wanted to spend some time in the nice weather on Tuesday and hit up UofL's football practice. I. Love. Cardinal. Football. Period.
This man will play on Sunday! 
7. I have been working on National Boards A LOT! It's so time consuming and unless you have been through the process it's super difficult to explain. I am going to be at my computer until May 16th. I know that in the end (whether if that is this year or next, or the year after) it will be worth it. It is way harder than one would think to analyze a video. 

8. A colleague of mine sent this to me earlier in the week. It totally made me laugh out loud. 
Note to self...


I finished reading Number the Stars while I was waiting on my mom to come un-lock my car. I really enjoyed it and think my reading group will too. I'm not sure why it took me so long to read it. 

I began reading The Little Prince because we have are going to be using it as a focus with literary standards soon. It's different, but cute. I'll need to spend some more time with it, to really decide if I really like it or not. I read it while enjoying a pedicure. 

10. Although I still worked a lot of hours this week, I am thankful that I have been able to regroup before tackling the next 6 weeks of school before testing. I have been super productive and made sure to give myself breaks in-between the items on my never ending to-do list. 

11. I was able to catch up with a few friends that I have not spoken with in a while. There are still so many other's that I wish I could have connected with. 

12. This friend continues to be such and inspiration. I am so thankful for her! 

I hope you have had a great week!