A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Friday, March 7, 2014

It's That Time Again...

1. My dad jumped in the Polar Bear Plunge for the 2nd time. It's a pretty cool thing! Last year he told the people at his work that if they raised $500 then he would jump. I am pretty sure they were close to the $600 mark. The experience was super crazy that he said they had to raise $1000 this year for him to jump again. They committed to $1500. They had bake sales and various contests to raise the money. One contest was that you could by a chance to throw a pie in your boss' face. My dad had a pretty large bucket for all of the chances people bought to put a pie in his face. HAHA! In the end they raised a whopping $3000!!! Its all for a good cause and that's pretty amazing!!! Way to go EBay Enterprise! 

1, 2, 3, JUMP! 
2. One of my birthday challenges that I have been working on is spending 10 minutes or so a day slowing down and reflecting. Something that a lot of people do not know is that when I was in high school I journaled a lot. I would just write whatever floated my boat that day. In college I would sporadically write when I just wanted to slow down. When I went to NYC at the end of our days my Aunt wrote down the things we did that day. It reminded me that we should look at each day for what it is and that all of those little moments are the ones that add up to the big ones. When we got home I went and got me a new green leather journal. The first day I wrote in it was the afternoon of July 5th after visiting my aunt. She passed away that evening. This further pushed me to love each day. Sometimes it's hard to remember to write and sometimes when I get started it's hard to stop. I just keep rambling to myself....HA! SOOOO over the past few months I have taken to reflection in a few different ways with my challenge. 1.Writing a list of moments in the day, 2. blogging in the hopes to make someone else smile, and 3. reading a daily devotional. On Instagram and Twitter I've seen a lot of posts in reference to daily devotionals. Curious as to what these people were reading a few weeks ago I took a look around at a book store. Some of them were a little too deep for me and simply pretty difficult for me to understand and relate too. Then I came across the one below. I read the days reflection and decided to give it a try. It's easy to understand and learn from. The daily thoughts are based around learning life's lessons from animals. 

"Kindness is a code. 
Love is a code.
 It's a rule to live by, 
the secret to peace, 
 and the fulfillment of your dreams."

"Every morning is like the first morning, somehow. 
Every day has its own energy,
 its own breath,
 its own gift"

3. On Wednesday (because of snow days 10 and 11) the teachers celebrated Dr. Suess' birthday by dressing Suessical! I really think the kiddos love it! I mean, who doesn't love being taught by a cat all day. It's like they almost took me more serious than normal. 
I'm the Cat in the Hat! 
My across the hall neighbor Cindy! (A lot of the kids called her Sally!)
4.My friend Genna is awesome! I know that I have probably mentioned it before, but felt the need to say it again. We had a great conversation about life on the phone the other night. 

5. Every school should have a bookkeeper as great as Mrs. Weber! She is patient, helpful, kind, and as sweet at can be. She puts up with my spasticness (I'm not so sure that is even a word.) and I appreciate her for it. 

6. Tomorrow is a big day in the Yum Center! The winning-est class in UofL history is being recognized in the Senior Day festivities. I AM COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY EXCITED THAT MY DAD GAVE ME HIS TICKET!!!! I mean... Russ is his absolute favorite player and he is letting me go to the game. Mom and I are going to have a "mother-daughter" day and I am definitely looking forward to it! 

6. I passed round 1 of my special nomination. ;) 

7. My class took 3 district assessments last week and I couldn't be more proud of how hard they tried and how much they GREW!!!! I try so hard to instill the desire for growth in my kiddos because that is so much more than a score. 

8. Are you participating in #marchgladness??? Make this month awesome for somebody else! 

9. "Cope" sessions with my co-workers at the Lane are pretty darn cool! Love my school family....to pieces!

How was your week?


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