A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Friday, March 14, 2014

I haven't been so excited about Friday since last Friday!

1. Monday I left school and stopped my my parents for some of my mom's yummy veggie soup. I loved seeing my favorite sister Lacie too! Then when I was getting on the Waterson I merged on right behind a little white Volvo that looked very familiar. It was CRAIGER!!! So I dialed him up and we had a nice little phone chat as I followed along on our drive home. Love that my brothers are so wonderful. Great evening chat after a tiring day. 

2. Lacie girl turned 8 this week! That is 56 in people years...holy cow where does time go?!?! I will be the first to admit when Craig and Lisa brought over 3 puppies that day and said they were only leaving with two I was firmly against it. Our family had a few dogs when we were younger, but they were outside dogs and I never really had much of an attachment with them. I just knew that dogs needed a lot of love and attention and would we be able to provide that kind of care. My brothers had already moved out of the house, so it was just mom, dad, and I sharing the responsibilities. Welp, this was the best battle I have ever lost!

 My mom chose Lacie because she was a small girl. Not sure how long we had her without a name, but somehow Robbie, one of Bub's friends, had the honors of picking the winning one. Then me being difficult wanted to spell Lacie with the IE instead of the more traditional Lacy or Lacey. She was going to be a one-of-a-kind queen from the start. I will never forget that first night in her cage she cried and cried and cried and cried. I was totally shocked at how loud she was and was just shaking my head that we had a dog.  I was amazed at how something so tiny could make that awful noise. She was a good dog from the start and definitely gets her demeanor from her mom, Derby. Derby has the most loving heart of any dog I've ever met. I am glad Lacie is like her in that sense.  My mom did a great job of making sure she knew what was hers to chew on and she knew where the door was for potty breaks early on. Lacie quickly became a lap dog and has never really gotten the idea of her actual size. She also has some difficulty with personal space, but that's her. She has done a great job with her younger adopted sister, Zoe. They are not super duper close, but Lacie and Zoe get along really well.

 I knew we were meant to be besties forever when she had some stomach issues when she was about 2. She was not able to move around a lot for a week. I made me a pallet on the living room floor and slept by her side every night. Me, the person that didn't want her, was now wrapped around her little finger paw. I can honestly say that the one thing I miss about being at home (besides my parents) is her! Over the years we have become the best sissies in the world. She would help me do my homework, she would watch TV with me, we would play in the snow, I taught her kissies, we would chat until all hours of then night ;), and she would literally take up half my bed every night snuggling at my feet. I love her to a far away galaxy and back. SHE is the reason I love dogs so much. 

3. We went to the Louisville Orchestra this week with school. I personally like the orchestra. I mean, I know nothing about music. I never really understand what they are explaining about how music has characters, settings, and yadda, yadda, yadda. I just do NOT have an ear for that type of deep listening. I DO however like the sound and think it's pretty darn cool how all of the instruments played together create this feeling of harmony and peace. Oh dear...I'm a nerd! Just wait until we go on our field trip next week. I am stoked about that nerd experience too! 

4. Two very important people to me started new jobs this week. I am really excited for each to have be given the opportunities to start a new chapter in their lives. Way to go ya'll!!! You know who you are! 

5. I had a moment at school the other day while working with a student. This kiddo in particular is below grade level and can at times get into mischief. He has grown a ton this year, in terms of academics and behavior, but just has that little 5th grade swagger that he is at times too cool for school. Or as my friend Leann was once told....A 5th grader with a 6th grade attitude. I really appreciate how he has opened up and fully accepted my weirdness. Anyways...I was working one-on-one with him on some math and the radio was on in the background. "Free And Easy Down The Road I Go" came on. That's a special song I share with one of my most favorites! I proceed to tell this student about how I love it  and yadda, yadda, yadda. His reply, "You know what Ms. Weiter, that's cool and I like this song too because my grandpa likes it." It just really got me thinking about the lyrics and how it fits so well into living a happy care-free life and the relationship my dad and I share. Are there any lines that stick out to you?

Pair of boots and a sack of clothes
Free and easy down the road I go
Hangin' memories on the high line poles
Free and easy down the road I go
Free and easy down the road I go

Ragweed's rockin' on the radio
Free and easy down the road I go
So I keep rollin' like an old banjo
Free and easy down the road I go

Got the sun shinin' on me like a big spotlight
So I know everything is gonna be alright

Ain't no tellin' where the wind might blow
Free and easy down the road I go
Livin' life like a Sunday stroll
Free and easy down the road I go
Free and easy down the road I go

If you only get to go around one time
I'm gonna sit back and try to enjoy the ride

I could make a million or wind up broke
Free and easy down the road I go
Can't take it with you when you go so
Free and easy down the road I go
Someday I know it's gonna take me home so
Free and easy down the road I go
Free and easy down the road I go

6. Mrs. Tabor's participating in #marchgladness and I'm not sure she even knows it. I take my time when making an anchor chart. I think it's partly because of all my locker sign making days, but a mess-up is.....not cool! Welp, I made our close reading chart and guess what happened on the LAST line...Yep, you guessed it. I messed up. I was momentarily sad because what do ya do?!?!?! Mrs. Tabor to the rescue with the white out. She saved the sign! Then yesterday she brought me my very own bottle of white out! I'm telling you...it's the little things in life that add up to a big ole bucket of wonderful!  

7. I ran into a pretty awesome family at Target today. Love them and definitely made me smile!

How was your week?!?!


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