A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Friday, January 1, 2016

A Year of Running

I set a goal (not a resolution) on January 1, 2015 to run 650 miles in the calendar year. I wrote...(5. In talking with my sister-in-law she was telling me about how one of her friends had a goal to run 1,000 miles in 2014 and actually ran about 1,400. I thought this was super cool and was instantly intrigued and wanted to set a cool goal like this! I started running mid-July and ran 237 miles up through Dec. 31st. This included almost 3 weeks of slacking and the beginning building-up weeks. My goal is to run 650 miles this year. That's breaks down to 12.5 miles per week. That should be totally manageable and I hope to surpass that goal. Day 2 and I am 6.5 miles in...only 643.5 to go. :))
I want to say loud and proud that....I MADE it! It wasn't easy, it took a lot of time, but it was SO WORTH IT. At first I was a little disappointed that I met my goal exactly, but I instantly shot those thoughts down. That's silly! I set a goal and met it. I enjoyed talking about my goal and sharing my progress with others, but ultimately I held myself accountable. I tracked my miles on a calendar in my kitchen and kept a journal. My 2.0 journey has definitely been one I have fallen in love with. If it's possible to fall in love with a hobby. I'm not really sure what my WHY was my first go around back in the day. I feel like my why now is to be a better person. Yes, running makes me a better person. I all around feel better when I run. I may not be fast, I may not be stick thin, I may not set records, but I can proudly say, "I am a runner." I don't want to lose that.

True statement.

Here is what my December calendar looked like. Top number is what I ran. Bottom number is how many miles I had left to 650. This is the only month I counted down. You can tell that last week before break was tough. So much going on and daylight was scarce. I had 4 days to spare and wanted to reach 650 before heading to Nashville. 

My year in review:

Monthly Miles:

January: 58.10
February: 51.0
March: 52.7
April: 61.75
May: 24.90
June: 53.20
July: 62.20
August: 52.50
September: 50.10
October: 78.80
November: 48.10
December: 58.30
Total: 650.65

Completed Races:

Anthem 5K (PRed from Fall 2014)
Rhodes City Run
Papa John's 10 Miler
Derby Festival Mini-Marathon
Pure Tap 5K (PRed from Anthem 5K)
Great Pumpkin 10K
Urban Bourbon 1/2 Marathon
Iroquois Hill Runner 5 Miler

This was on the wall at Fleet Feet and it struck a chord.

I look forward to what 2016 will bring. I'm already signed up for 5 races and there are some other ideas brewing in my head! I don't have a mileage goal yet and I'm not even sure I'll make one. My main focus is the marathon, I want to PR some of my distances, and I want to run a few new races is a few new cities. I want to collect a few new medals and make some more lasting memories. 

Top left: 1st 1/2 Marathon Spring 2008
Center Left: Start of my running 2.0 journey Fall 2014
Bottom Left: 1st half of 2.0 journey Fall 2014
Top Center: The time I accidentally completed a 1/2 marathon in Nashville Fall 20110
Top Right: The weekend I completed a 1/2 marathon on a Saturday and then again the next day. I fell off of the running wagon right after this. Spring 2011

I hope you join my cheering squad on April 30th! ;)


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