A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Sunday, November 1, 2015

November 1, 2015

It's been a while because life has been swamped in such a good way! I'm sorta off tomorrow because of Professional Development and Tuesday is Election Day. That means I have a tad bit of extra time tonight. :) 

Listening: I'm over the news. I just needed to check the weather for the week to be able to plan when I am going to run. :) Looks like clear skies until Friday!

Loving: Making the switch to 3rd grade may have possibly saved me from quitting my job. Okay, I may be exaggerating a bit, but not much. It's no secret that I spent the first 6 years of my career pretty much miserable in 5th. Now, I feel like I am living a dream. Literally, I pinch myself daily just to make sure I am awake. Switching grades is a challenge and a lot of work, but it's pushed me to become a better teacher. I love what I do and my fingers are crossed it stays this way for years to come. 

Thinking: I cannot get enough of, "I can do anything and everything," on a Sunday.

Wanting: I'm trying to be patient. Scores were released on November 15th last year. I am so anxious and excited. Whatever happens, life will be okay.

Needing: I just don't really want to clean, but it will happen on Tuesday! 

Yummy: Love my mom's stuffing on Thanksgiving! 

I hope all is currently well with you! 

xoxo- Kim

Check out more Currently's at Oh' Boy Fourth Grade.


  1. I hope your scores come out soon and that it is good news!! Glad you have some good weather this week for running.

    My Crazy Life

  2. I hope your scores are released soon and the news is awesome! And it's great you are loving your new grade level. It's amazing what a little change can make in our perspective of our jobs! I moved from one school to another last year (but stayed in the same grade)...it's like a completely different world and I am so much happier. Good luck with your scores!

    First Grade Pizzazz

  3. I need to do that cleaning thing myself :)
