A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Friday, July 24, 2015

{July Currently: 7.24}

Linking up a little belated with Oh' Boy 4th Grade for July's Currently Linky Party. I may be a little late in the month, but that's okay, It's still July. I've been a little MIA via blog, but that was rather intentional. I've been enjoying summer and soaking up all of these memories and fun moments that I really haven't had time or the desire really. 

Listening: So it's Friday evening and I'm watching Harry Potter. I'm not ashamed either. I've had a jam packed week and the weekend is pretty busy too. I wanted a night to just chill. My SIL sent me a text telling me HP was on. She knows me so well. I'm trying to reread all 7 books before school starts. I'm about 1/2 way through Year 5. It's going to be close on if I finish or not.

Loving: That it is still actually summer. Less than 3 weeks before school begins and I haven't done much in terms of getting ready. It's kinda hard because our school is being renovated and we cannot get in. Fingers crossed we get in sooner than the day before the kiddos come. I am going to try and create a list of things to do, but that's always so hard when everything is in boxes. I meat with my new team this week so thank goodness we will have come planning taken care of.

Thinking: I'm excited to spend the next few days with friends and family!

Wanting: Some of my family is heading to the beach the week after school begins. It makes me really sad that I am not going, but it just didn't work out. At least I was able to go see the mountains. That's kinda like the beach, but different...right?!

Needing: Yea, I am finally admitting that I should accomplish a few school items this week. I'm going to send post-cards out to my new kiddos. That's a start.

All Star: I consider myself and all-star organizer. I get rid of things I do not use or need and usually come up with some type of system or place for other things.

I hope you all are enjoying your summer and are having a great July. See ya'll in August. 



  1. I have very similar summer goals... Although I'm glad to have the time to relax it is so hard to not think about school!
    Also, Harry Potter is one if my all time favorites! Definitely a must read....

    1. I agree! School is always on my mind whether intentional or not. lol

  2. I cant ever turn off Harry Potter on ABC Family - no matter which one it is.
    Glad you're taking time to just enjoy summer.

    1. I agree! HP definitely hooks ya! I'm trying to figure out if I will be able to participate in the fall run series because the race dates conflict with other things. Are you?!?!
