A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

June Currently

Linking up with Oh' Boy 4th Grade to share what's currently happening with me, myself, and I in June. 

Listening: I do not watch EVERY Real Housewives, but I do enjoy Orange County. I wish it was more like the olden days, but what's on will do. I have always wondered how much of these shows were scripted. The longer the show lasts the more scripted it seems. It's summer and I have some TV time to waste. 

Loving: IT IS OFFICIALLY SUMMER!!!! We had to go to school on Monday and Tuesday for closing day, planning, and professional development. Then today I took my National Boards assessment. So as of 10am today....It's summer. Here's to 9 weeks off give or take some. We all know that it's actually shorter than that with professional development and setting up. 

Thinking: I will be thinking about this for the next five months. It's crazy how long it takes for scores to be released. I left today feeling like I HAD to have done better than the same assessment last year. I just know it. It was probably better off that I scored a 1 on that portion because if I bump that up to a 1.5 I pass. I am so glad that I made the decision to retake one portfolio entry and one assessment. Between the two I need about .20 of a point to gain my weighted 4 points. Thinking POSITIVE here! I want this so bad. 

Wanting: I am going to wait until at least July, but I am so excited I am moving to THIRD grade. I still cannot believe it. I've taught 5th grade for six years. I have asked to move out of 5th grade five of those six year and was turned down every time. I am not sure it's going to hit me until I have plans set in stone and it's the first day of school. I can wait another 9 weeks for that to come though. ;)

Needing: I'm pretty content right now. Thankful for that feeling.

Summer Lovin: Stay tuned to see how summer unfolds...

Happy Summer Ya'll!


  1. My fingers are crossed for your National Board scores! I taught 3rd grade for four years and absolutely LOVED the novel studies we did in Language Arts! Content is a good feeling to have not that your summer has officially begun! Enjoy!
    Stories and Songs in Second

  2. I'm starting to miss Real Housewives of ALL OF THEM! I moved to Australia last year and I don't have easy access to those wonderful BRAVO shows! (I'm also missing Shahs of Sunset, LOL.)

    3rd Grade is SO much fun! My home for 5 years! I love it because it's a great age group! My students were always SO eager to learn more and more!

    ♥ Stephanie
    Fishing for Education Blog

  3. Good for you for feeling content!!!
    I love the OC ladies... Heather is my all time fav :)
