A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Saturday, November 15, 2014

National Board Certification

How do you tell people that have been rooting for you that you didn't pass? I sent out some pretty early text message (Sorry ya'll) and you talk it out...

Welp, score release day finally arrived. I've been a nervous wreck for the past few weeks anticipating if I would certify this year or not. I continually thought about the never ending hours that I had put into this. I stayed home on Oaks and St. Patrick's Day. I locked my keys in my car at the Video Place. I had a break down at school during a PLC. I used multiple reams of paper printing and reprinting through the revision process. I had my amazingly wonderful class from last year press submit. I met with my cohort every single week. I sat at the book store and studied. I did this while still working at CPK. I have no reason to be upset right? 

I checked my computer last night at midnight and nothing yet. Decided to get some rest and check in the morning. Five thirty rolled around and my eyes popped open. Literaly, POP! I logged into my account from my phone and immediately knew that I hadn't passed. The scores do not show on your screen right away, but I have heard others talk about how a bar at the top will pop up that says, "Congratulations!" I didn't have that. My heart naturally sunk a little, but I'm not going to say I was surprised because I wasn't. I knew this was a process going into it. Was I/am I a little disappointed I didn't certify this time around...yes, but surprised...no. Plus, I had a dream last week I missed by 8 points. The big question was, "What did I actually score?" My score could mean the difference between spending hours slaving over video tapes and writing or studying to retake online assessments.

I clicked on my score sheet and scrolled immediately to the bottom to see how far I was from reaching the 275 goal. I scored a 271!!!!! That is 4, yes 4 points away!!!! Sometimes it is super frustrating when you get so close (like when I missed passing the Praxis by 2 points), but seeing this is/was different. Seeing my 271 gave me hope and determination to keep going! It gave me the sense of "I CAN do this!" Before you try something you never really know and this process is so vague that's you have no clue what to think at times. 

My mind is already racing to decide what parts I would like to improve on in order to certify. If some of you are unaware...when you commit to this, from day one you are told it's a 1 to 3 year process. I knew this going in. Of course for the past hour and a half I have been scanning my score sheet  seeing where I can make up the most points. I've been analyzing what I could have done better. Here is my score sheet....

Basically the blue boxes are portfolio entries. They consisted of video taping lessons, writing very long in depth papers, and collecting evidence to support. I CANNOT BELIEVE I SCORED THE HIGHEST IN WRITING!!!!! It was the entry that I finished last, the entry that no one proof read and it's not one of my teaching strengths. I CANNOT BELIEVED I SCORED THE LOWEST IN SOCIAL STUDIES!!! It's the entry I completed first, had the most people read, and is on of my strongest teaching areas. I am THRILLED with my science score!!! A little disappointed with documented accomplishments because it's average. (Your Raw scores can be anywhere from 0-4 and they are weighted from there.)

The green boxes are the tests that I took in June. I am surprised at Reading because the more I learn in my Bellarmine class the more I was beginning to feel like I bombed, but I did well. I am super excited about Social Studies and even the Heath and Wellness one. I am a little on the line with analyzing student work. I remember that being a math prompt. I thought I did okay on that one. Apparently not. I was expecting a lower science assessment score so I am not surprised there. It's weird not feeling surprised that I didn't certify, but I am surprised at some of my individual scores.

AND THAT LEAVES US WITH.......... INTEGRATING THE ARTS....that one right there in the last line of the green boxes. Well, if that 1 was a 1.75 it would have turned that 6.67 to 11.67 and giving me enough to pass. BUT, apparently that's not in my plan...

What does all of this mean?!?!

Well, it means.... I am proud of what I have accomplished over the past year and I am not giving up now. All of my points are banked and I can only redo the parts that I scored less than a 2.75 on. So my options are....Social Studies portfolio entry, and three assessments (Analyzing student work (math), Knowledge of Science, and Integrating the Arts). Since the scores are weighted, I need to go for the most bang for my buck (literally). That in a way rules out Social Studies My 2 is not great, but it would take a TON of work to score higher on that. I'm definitely going to have to retake the arts one, but feel I should do another one too as support. This is not something I have to decide right now though. I'll go to a session that JCPS is holding in a couple of weeks. They will help me create a plan for moving forward. 

I wish I could share my assessment exercise prompt with you, but that's not allowed so I will share the directions...

Integrating the Arts:
*Use the arts to demonstrate your ability to use the arts to develop students understanding of concepts in another discipline. 
*Identify concepts in the subject area and describe an arts focused learning experience that will establish a connection for students understanding of the identified concept and provide multiple paths of access for student learning.
*Justify how the learning experience will enable students to develop a deeper understanding (appreciation) of the arts. 

What does all of this mean you ask...

I means that I had to create a lesson/unit from one art discipline (music, drama, visual, and I feel like there is another one) and one content area (math, science, social studies, writing). Thing is...YOU HAVE NO CLUE WHICH TWO YOU ARE GOING TO GET. Needless to say, I need to learn my arts! I was just really hoping I faked it enough to make it....Nope, didn't happen.  

I really think the most frustrating part is that I am going to wait until next November to see if I certify next year. I am guessing I will take my assessments over in the spring or early summer. If you have any resource materials on integrating the arts into the classroom pass them along. This girl needs to study! I'm thinking I can read my books to Ryann and Lilly! I know they will listen. 

Thanks for listening world...


1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry that the process is not over for you yet. I had the same experience. Even with the rubrics, scoring seems so ambiguous and in no way reflects how you are as a teacher! I will do some digging on integrating the arts to find any books or articles that may be helpful.
