A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Friday, September 5, 2014

It's September!

1. I am thankful for 3-day weekends. Yes, I know I have a lot of time off in the summer, but there is nothing like a day to regroup. Last weekend was a wonderful 3-day weekend! 

2. FOOTBALL SEASON IS HERE! I am so excited! Monday was such a great day and so fun tailgating and spending the day relaxing with some of my favorites!
My Favorites!

Love our bond of UofL Football!!

3. We had our first Girls on the Run practice this week. I had a blast, but that's not what is important. The girls were such troopers and tried their best! I am excited for our season. I have a pretty awesome co-coach too!!!

4. My friend Jayne is having a BOY and that's pretty darn awesome! It's been so cute hearing her students talk about how they are going to have a little brother! 

5. We had Open-House at school this week and I am glad that I was able to meet some of my kiddos families. My sweet little Cameron from last year came to visit with his sister, Kayden. He is still just as precious and in love with middle school! 

I hope you had a good week!

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