A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Friday, June 20, 2014


It's crazy to think that it's almost the end of June and my "Summer" just began. I cannot complain because I wanted some of those snow days. Yep, that's right, I sure did want some of them. My dad is right when he says, "That's not how it works." What I do not understand is why so many people complained about having to work a week after the kiddos. I know that teachers work countless hours after school and on the weekends, but did they actually think the district would pay you for days you were not actually at school?!?! Come on people! I accomplished a ton that week and got out of it what I put into it. I was thankful for my snow days in the moment (maybe regretted it a tad in the end), but also thankful for the time I was provided to get a jump start for next year rather than spending days throughout the summer on it. 

I cannot bring myself to write my "End of the Year" post because I am still in denial that my kiddos have graduated. Maybe one day soon...

Until then...

5 things from this week that I loved...

1. I may have spent two days in seminars this week, but it was the final days of my Teaching American History cohort, so I didn't mind. I am so thankful for all of the learning experiences, resources, and time with other educators that really love learning. This group has given me the confidence to teach history with a spark and passion that I really never knew I had about the subject. Our leader said it best, "It's not goodbye because I'll be seeing you all around!"

We had a few sessions on artifacts and primary sources. Here is my colonial teapot. 

2. I went to my principal's retirement party. Her theme was a super cute Hawaiian luau.

3. I had the time to read a few books. I read Hoot and now I am currently reading Joey Pigza Loses Control. I really like the message of both books! I will definitely incorporate them into reading this year. 

4. Back at CPK for the summer!!! Seeing this guy makes me smile!!!

5. I stopped by to visit Sydney's swimming party. Mrs. Stevens is definitely a saint for having all of those 3rd and 5th graders over for 24 hours! They were having an awesome time and I am sure they will remember it for a long time. I personally had a great time seeing all of their lovely faces and I even painted some nails!

And one to grow on...
6. I love my little workout group!!! We met 4 times this week! 

How was your week?!?!

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