A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Sunday, February 27, 2011


“You do not get to chose your family, they are God’s gift to you, as you are to them.“
I am truly blessed in the family department. I have amazing parents and awesome brothers. I even have the best doggie sister. Not only are those 4 people and 1 little doggie amazingly wonderful, but I have the blessing of a fabulous extended family. Not only do I have those families, but I have the family of friends, my school community, and the cpk crew. As I grow a bit older I am seeing how I appreciate and are grateful for the many different aspects of the individual relationships I share with these people. Here are a few things that I have learned.

My dad is the BEST listener. He will take in all of the information being said and only give input when asked for or needed. He never takes sides, but helps you to see another point of view. My dad is a hard worker and has instilled that quality in all of his children. Things in life do not come easy and effort must be put forth for goals to be achieved and growth to occur. My mom always wants the best for us “children.” She would do anything to help make days a bit easier and calmer. She is there to ask questions to make sure everything is taken care of. My mom is the regulator of things and is an advocate for any decisions we make. My parents have shown through their lives and in raising me that you should always be thankful for everyone and everything you may encounter.

I have learned from my older brother that life is short and meant to be lived. Do what you want to do, go where you want to go, be who you are, and love every minute you have because you never know when it is your time to leave. Take advantage of every opportunity you are given and live it up! My younger brother has showed me the effects of a good smile and a big heart. He is strong yet soft, kind yet firm, trustworthy, and honest. He is my idea of a gentleman. He is personable and cares a great deal about others. I’d say personality wise I am most like him because we tend to put others first. They are both very different, but similar in the idea that they are two great men in my life.

Lacie has taught me to think like a queen and act like a queen and you shall receive treats. She is loyal and loving and when given you shall receive those things in return.

I am lucky to know and have a close relationship with many members of my extended family. I appreciate how we all live different lives, but know and understand the love that is shared. I look forward to various events that I know I will get to see everyone. I am fortunate enough to have close relationships with many members of my extended family. I may not talk to them every day, but I know they would be there in the drop of a second. My aunts are like more moms! They are special in that they are caring, understanding, and nurturing. My cousins are not just cousins, but friends. I appreciate all of these relationships because they are all so different. They have taught me that family is family and you are to be there for each other through thick and thin.

My school family is amazing. I love my co-workers and know that they are there to make work a bit easier. I know that we can lean on each other through the daily obstacles we overcome in teaching. Being able to bounce ideas back and forth, plan together, debrief lessons, discuss difficulties, have “therapy” sessions, or simply share a smile in the hallway (which goes a long way) help me realize how lucky I am to be a part of my school community. My co-workers have taught me that teaching is challenging, but priceless!

My CPK family holds a dear place in my heart. Hands down, they make me smile. Old School CPK will never and can never be forgotten. Over the past almost six years this is where I have made many friends that are all awesome. I have met some of my best friends here. I may not hang out with most people I have become friends with through working here, but that doesn’t mean I cherish their friendship any less. I have seen great examples of how life is amazing through working with people from many different backgrounds. I like how cpk brings many different people together. The only thing I have in common with a lot co-workers is the simple fact that we work at the same place. That’s is really all you need though. I look forward to my few shifts a week. There are also a few customers that hold a special place in my heart and enjoy the time they take to stop in and have a conversation.  My cpk family has taught me to accept everyone for who they are and their life experiences. You can learn a great deal about life from others.

My closest friends mean the world to me and I cherish our talks and fun times together. The thing that fascinates me about my friends is that we are all very different. I have a few things in common with one, some other things in common with another, and so on. Most of my closest friends have been there for a number of my growing-up years and I know that I can look forward to those friendships to continue. My closest friends have taught me to always be myself.

Idea of today’s blog: I AM BLESSED

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Lacie will be turning 5 in less than a month and it feels like yesterday when I was telling my parents that we did NOT need a dog. I was not much of a dog person before then. It's not that I didn't like them, I just didn't spend much time with any particular dog. Growing up we had a few, but they were outside dogs and I was pretty young and never really became attached. Lacie is an entirely different story. She has turned me into a huge dog lover! I am amazed with her personality and love for our family. She is faithful, loving, loyal, stubborn, funny, and very lazy :). At times it is almost like she is human. I know a large part of her actions are because of my family, but she brings so much joy to our lives. I always look forward to seeing her because it is guarenteed she will bring a smile to my face. One thing I miss about living at home is her! I loved "talking" to her at night and she would always cuddle up at my feet and often try to take over the bed. We still have sleepovers, but I miss not seeing her on a daily basis. SO... here I am 5 years later writing a blog post about how a dog is one of the biggest joys in my life! lol She deserves it!
Snow day in 2009. She LOVES snow!

Christmas 2010!

She is my bestest pal!

Her Favorite toy!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Good Things Will Happen Today!

I love my job! I am still in the early stages of my life-long career commitment and I have a lot to learn. I would have to say that one of the hardest parts of being a teacher would be the many roles that I am expected to fill. Nowhere does it say in my teaching certification that I will need act as a mom, friend, doctor, psychologist, referee, interpreter, magician, miracle worker, saint, social worker, ect…, but I am EXPECTED to fulfill these role without questions being asked. Which I feel I am adjusting to pretty well. All the while I am walking in so many different shoes I am supposed to teach? You have got to be kidding me!!!
It took me a bit to make adjustments last year when I switched from my dream job of being a kindergarten teacher to the content and test driven 5th grade. I went from singing songs on the carpet about the rules of the school to you need to try your best to ace the test in  a matter of two days. All of that feels like ages ago!! It is amazing how I never thought that I would get through that first year of that difficult content, KTIP and back talking, but here I am! I only have 3 ½ months before my second class is sent on to middle school.
I am so thankful for the support I have from family, friends, and my co-workers are amazing! Aside from that I feel as if others can only get you so far. You have to find the fight in yourself to be successful and keep working at things! I have always taken pride at being a rather optimistic person, but sometimes it is hard to keep up with staying positive. Sometimes you just want to be down, but that can only last for a short time because life never stops and you may miss something amazing. I made it through that first year and now nearing the end of year two, but the job doesn't get much easier. Sure I am a better planner, time manager, displininarian, but it's still difficult and I am sure it will always be difficult. I am bound and determind to be one heck of a teacher. I want to help students be successful not only in school, but in life. So hard days are sure to come my way and I have thought of way to ease the stress. My newest idea that I find to be helpful in making the best of any situation is to simply say, “Good things will happen today.” There is a picture with that quote behind my desk that I see every morning to remind me that no matter how many different shoes I am filling, how high the stack of to-be graded papers may be, the fact I have to give 3 district assessment in a week, attend EPD, teach ESS during planning, call parents, coach a team, find a minute to eat lunch, plan, make copies, stop the scuffle going on ect… GOOD THINGS WILL HAPPEN TODAY! They will!!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

My 100's List

My 100’s list includes items in which I am grateful for/things that make me smile/things that I appreciate in others/things I take pride in ect... Some are serious and some are just plain silly, but these are the first 100 things that came to mind when I reflected on my blessings.
1.      Being alive
2.      Being healthy
3.       My mom
4.       My dad
5.       My  older brother
6.      My younger brother
7.      My dog sister, Lacie!
8.     A large family
9.    Being a teacher 
10.  Oneday having 2 wonderful sister-in-laws
11. Kindergarten
12.  Running
13.  Travel
14.  Free time
15.  Phone dates
16.  My second job
17.  Love
18.  My glass is half full
19.  My favorites! This includes many many many people!
20.  Students with open minds
21.  The sunshine
22.  My home
23.  Being an American
24.  SSM daycare days
25.  Patience
26.  Open ears
27.  Nicknames
28.  ½ marathons
29.  Books
30.  The parks
31.  Receiving hugs
32.  Patient customers
33.  Milk
34.  Drawn pictures or cards from students
35.  My optimistic personality
36.  Smiles
37.  Computers
38.  Shooting stars
39.  Cards in the mail
40.  The ocean
41.  Phones
42.  Manners
43.  Smell good candles
44.  My faith
45.  Rare naps
46.  Education
47.  Paper Routes
48.  The RV tailgates
49.  My car
50.  Determination
51.  Silly jokes
52.  Grocery trips with my dad
53.  Bubble baths
54.  Solid work ethics
55.  Mercy Academy
56.  Field trips
57.  My advisor in college
58.  New running shoes
59.  A good night’s sleep
60.  Pictures
61.  Special friendships
62.  Co-Workers
63.  Dancing
64.  Forgiveness
65.  Country music
66.  Random acts of kindness
67.  Freedom
68.  Games nights
69.  3 day weekends
70.  The beach
71.  UofL sports
72.  Coupons
73.  Prayers
74.  Good movies
75.  Hope
76.  The seasons changing
77.  Memories
78.  Nicknames
79.  Air conditioning
80.  Planners
81.  Uplifting words
82.  Felt tip pens
83.  Lacie kisses
84.  Dedication for my work
85.  Organization
86.  Good listeners
87.  Fleece blankets
88.  Thanksgiving mass
89.  Creativity
90.  Flexibility
91.  Inspiring quotes
92.  Being able to see students grow
93.  Mom’s cooking
94.  Spaghetti
95.  Comfortable bed
96.  No Tuesday Faculty meetings
97.  Sleeping in
98.  ‘You Can Call Me Al’ Dance parties
99.  Football
100.  That I am able to list 100 items and list 100’s more
I am truly blessed!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Here I Go....

My favorite enjoying my snow day!

Well, here I am writing my first blog. I've always enjoyed reading blogs and wanted to start one of my own. Hopefully I am not too boring for those of you that decide to read. In the case that you are feel free to click the X located at the top right of your computer screen.

I am still very unsure of what I want to call my blog so I settle with "A Rose Between Two Thorns". Some of you may be wondering what that means. When I was in highschool on retreat my dad had written a letter that was read aloud to the group. In it he said that he always saw me as his rose between two thorns. His meaning was that I am his darling daughter in between two mean boys. We all know I am a "daddy's girl" and my brothers are "momma's boy's"! :) 

So far this year we have had 6,  yes 6, snow days. People either ask how I feel about snow days or they make the "It must be nice to be a teacher" comment. Do I like snow days???? Hmmmm let me think about that. If I had to pick either yes or no, I'm going with yes, but I usually think they are bittersweet because in the end the days missed must be made up. That is the bitter part. It is no fun thinking that when it is nice and warm outside we will still be stuck in the classroom and by then my job will start to feel like babysitting. 5th graders get pretty antsy at the thought of never coming back. On the other side.... I do like the break though. It is nice to have an extended weekend or chop up a week. I spend so much time working regardless that snow days give me a chance to slow down. I am and have been very smart about how I spend my snow days. Sometimes I relax, but usually I am taking care of things that need to be done (laundry, gym, cleaning, balancing the checkbook, hanging out with some favorties ect.). I enjoy being productive.

In regards to the "It must be nice to be a teacher" comment I would have to agree. Yes, it is nice being a teacher and for reasons other than having snow days. So what, we are off when it snows. That does not mean we get paid. I am not working, therefore I am not paid. When I make up the day at the end of the year, I will then be paid. And if you think it must be nice to be a teacher then maybe you should try it. Then you will be one appreciating a day off here and there.