A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Here I Go....

My favorite enjoying my snow day!

Well, here I am writing my first blog. I've always enjoyed reading blogs and wanted to start one of my own. Hopefully I am not too boring for those of you that decide to read. In the case that you are feel free to click the X located at the top right of your computer screen.

I am still very unsure of what I want to call my blog so I settle with "A Rose Between Two Thorns". Some of you may be wondering what that means. When I was in highschool on retreat my dad had written a letter that was read aloud to the group. In it he said that he always saw me as his rose between two thorns. His meaning was that I am his darling daughter in between two mean boys. We all know I am a "daddy's girl" and my brothers are "momma's boy's"! :) 

So far this year we have had 6,  yes 6, snow days. People either ask how I feel about snow days or they make the "It must be nice to be a teacher" comment. Do I like snow days???? Hmmmm let me think about that. If I had to pick either yes or no, I'm going with yes, but I usually think they are bittersweet because in the end the days missed must be made up. That is the bitter part. It is no fun thinking that when it is nice and warm outside we will still be stuck in the classroom and by then my job will start to feel like babysitting. 5th graders get pretty antsy at the thought of never coming back. On the other side.... I do like the break though. It is nice to have an extended weekend or chop up a week. I spend so much time working regardless that snow days give me a chance to slow down. I am and have been very smart about how I spend my snow days. Sometimes I relax, but usually I am taking care of things that need to be done (laundry, gym, cleaning, balancing the checkbook, hanging out with some favorties ect.). I enjoy being productive.

In regards to the "It must be nice to be a teacher" comment I would have to agree. Yes, it is nice being a teacher and for reasons other than having snow days. So what, we are off when it snows. That does not mean we get paid. I am not working, therefore I am not paid. When I make up the day at the end of the year, I will then be paid. And if you think it must be nice to be a teacher then maybe you should try it. Then you will be one appreciating a day off here and there.


  1. I'm excited that you decided to start blogging! I loved reading your first one and can't wait to read more! :)

  2. Yay! I hope I am not too boring! :)
