A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Good Things Will Happen Today!

I love my job! I am still in the early stages of my life-long career commitment and I have a lot to learn. I would have to say that one of the hardest parts of being a teacher would be the many roles that I am expected to fill. Nowhere does it say in my teaching certification that I will need act as a mom, friend, doctor, psychologist, referee, interpreter, magician, miracle worker, saint, social worker, ect…, but I am EXPECTED to fulfill these role without questions being asked. Which I feel I am adjusting to pretty well. All the while I am walking in so many different shoes I am supposed to teach? You have got to be kidding me!!!
It took me a bit to make adjustments last year when I switched from my dream job of being a kindergarten teacher to the content and test driven 5th grade. I went from singing songs on the carpet about the rules of the school to you need to try your best to ace the test in  a matter of two days. All of that feels like ages ago!! It is amazing how I never thought that I would get through that first year of that difficult content, KTIP and back talking, but here I am! I only have 3 ½ months before my second class is sent on to middle school.
I am so thankful for the support I have from family, friends, and my co-workers are amazing! Aside from that I feel as if others can only get you so far. You have to find the fight in yourself to be successful and keep working at things! I have always taken pride at being a rather optimistic person, but sometimes it is hard to keep up with staying positive. Sometimes you just want to be down, but that can only last for a short time because life never stops and you may miss something amazing. I made it through that first year and now nearing the end of year two, but the job doesn't get much easier. Sure I am a better planner, time manager, displininarian, but it's still difficult and I am sure it will always be difficult. I am bound and determind to be one heck of a teacher. I want to help students be successful not only in school, but in life. So hard days are sure to come my way and I have thought of way to ease the stress. My newest idea that I find to be helpful in making the best of any situation is to simply say, “Good things will happen today.” There is a picture with that quote behind my desk that I see every morning to remind me that no matter how many different shoes I am filling, how high the stack of to-be graded papers may be, the fact I have to give 3 district assessment in a week, attend EPD, teach ESS during planning, call parents, coach a team, find a minute to eat lunch, plan, make copies, stop the scuffle going on ect… GOOD THINGS WILL HAPPEN TODAY! They will!!

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