A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Sunday, January 1, 2017

I Won the Lottery!

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Here we are again! Time for some reflection and some more goal setting. If you know me, you know that I am pretty goal oriented. If I want to do something, then I will find a way to make it happen. This can also be seen as a downfall to others, because I am pretty selfish with my time. #owningit

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Let's see how the year measured up...

Flashback to January 1, 2016: I look forward to what 2016 will bring. I'm already signed up for 5 races and there are some other ideas brewing in my head! Check!   I don't have a mileage goal yet and I'm not even sure I'll make one. (I made a mileage goal of 1,000, but fell short. More about that to come.) My main focus is the marathon Check!, I want to PR some of my distances Check!, and I want to run a few new races Check! in a few new cities Check. I want to collect a few new medals Check! and make some more lasting memories Check!.

To quote myself, "My 2.0 journey has definitely been one I have fallen in love with. If it's possible to fall in love with a hobby. I'm not really sure what my WHY was my first go around back in the day. I feel like my why now is to be a better person. Yes, running makes me a better person. I all around feel better when I run. I may not be fast, I may not be stick thin, I may not set records, but I can proudly say, "I am a runner." I don't want to lose that." ALL of this still rings true. I couldn't have said it better myself. Oh, wait! I did say that. :) 

My year in review:
(Sry, some of this is a repeat from  My Marathon Journey Post)

Monthly Miles and Inspiration:
January: 89.0
"Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most." Fleet Feet wall

"Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try!"

March: 130.00
"It never gets easier, you just get better!"

April: 138.00
"It's hard to beat a person who never gives up." Babe Ruth

May: 52.00
"There are no excuses. It's all about you. Set goals, reach goals, make new goals!"

June: 80.25
"It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard...is what makes it great!" A League of Their Own 

July: 63.55
"If you can run, six miles on a summer day, then you my friend are a lethal weapon in the animal kingdom."

August: 78.35
"You are only as strong as you allow yourself to be; never get discouraged, never give up because consistency and dedication is the key to success."

September: 47.50
"I am a runner. Not because I run fast. Not because I run far. I am a runner because I run!"

October: 72.35
"I don't have to run, I get to run!"

November: 30.6
"Strength doesn't come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn't."

December: 41.85
"Strength shows not only in the ability to start over again with a smile on your face and passion in your heart."

2016 Grand Total: 940.45

I am SO HAPPY with reaching that total! That's over 290 miles more than 2015. Whoa!! There were a few months were miles lagged some. May was after the marathon. I was injured for almost 3 weeks in September and then the dreaded gallbladder struck at the beginning of November. I was thinking about tacking on the time I missed because of recovery onto the end of the year, but nah! No excuses. I should have ran more in the summer. ;)

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Completed Races:

Anthem 5K PR!
Rodes City Run 10K PR!
Papa John's 10 Miler Major PR!

Derby Festival Marathon 5:34:37 PR!
4th Fest 5K
Poker Run 5K
Pure Tap 5K 
Urban Bourbon 1/2 Marathon
Indianapolis Monumental 1/2 Marathon PR! 

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My 2017 goals:
*Run 1,000 Miles in the calendar year! I'm not getting that close and not trying again!
*I am on a team with 4 other women to reach 2,017 miles. I need to make sure I do my part!
*Continued improvement on my 1/2 marathon time.
*At some point, I want to go for a run streak. Not sure, if I want to pick a month to give it a go or what... I dunno...
*Run a personal record at the CHICAGO MARATHON! It's going to be like rounding 3rd as a World Series champ. Probably not anything like that, but still. 

So that's what I meant when I said that I won the lottery. Chicago is the 2nd largest marathon in the U.S. and you have to enter a lottery. Welp, I filled out the application on the last possible day you could and a few weeks later- I WAS CHOSEN!!! I am beyond excited to run in one of my most favorite cities. So many memories in Chi-Town. I am taking a chance of missing a football game, but I just had to try! Fingers crossed it's an away weekend for us. 

A member of my Fleet Feet fam saw and shared these 3 questions proposed by Runner's World and here were my thoughts...
What were my three favorite athletic moments of the year?
1. KDF Marathon (duh!)
2. Indy 1/2 Marathon PR
3. Running an 8:46 mile

What were my challenges this year?
1. Joining a running group.
2. The Summer Speed Series
3. Being injured and sick

What inspires me now?
1. My Family
2. Those who cannot run.
3. Chicago

Cheers to many happy miles on smooth pavement in 2017!


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