A good life is a collection of happy moments...

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

It doesn't get easier. You just get stronger.

June 1st was Global Running Day and I made it one to remember by joining the Speed Session at Fleet Feet. We met every Wednesday morning at 6am at a local track for some speed work. This was all foreign to me...I mean, 200s, 400s, splits, accelerations, 1600s....WHAT? Good thing I am a fast learner. See what I did there? Day 1 we ran our mile time trial. I was ecstatic when I finished a mile in 8:37. Holy schnikes!!! Going into it, I was hoping for 9:30ish! To see an 8 was...wow! 

The next 6 weeks consisted of pushing myself to run faster than what I was comfortable with. To go past when I wanted to stop. To try new things. To just run. To have a good workout that I would have no clue how to do on my own. 

Well, our final session was this morning. We ran a mile time trial to see if our hard work had actually paid off. You know, to see if we actually improved. Well... my mile was 8:37! Yep, the EXACT time as my mile 6 weeks ago. I wish I would have tried harder, but I did try hard. I gave the best I had to give today. Turns out it was my same best as 6 weeks ago. #twinkietimetrials

You have got to be kidding me?
Man, that sucked!
I didn't improve!?!?!
I should have tried harder.
What the heck?
Well, this is frustrating.
I quit.
Over it.

Well, I've decided that those initial thoughts are STUPID. Doesn't take away that I had them, and that's okay too. They were real. It's natural. It's also over. 

Not only was my time the same for my mile, I finished last in the group. I am PROUD of that! How can I not be? I PRed a 5K last weekend with a time of 28:59. My time before that was 29:51. I was doing something right. REMEMBER: Most of us "normal" runners are not going to "win," but that doesn't mean we stop trying to do our best. My best for me is just as difficult as the person that finished in 6 minutes. My hard felt the same kind of hard as they felt. That's how I envision it anyways. Plus, my brother told me so. I believe him. 

I get a little tired of how slow is often used negatively when talking about running. I also get tired of people saying, "I just don't want to come in last." (I fully admit that I said that back in the day.) WHO CARES?!?!?! If you are not an elite runner or professional then why beat yourself up? I don't run to be elite. I run to be a better version of myself.  I am me and you are you. I have learned that it's the heart, will, determination, dedication, time, and so much more that you put into running (or whatever you do) is what makes it so wonderful. It's the free mind, the friendships, the horrible runs and the great ones too, the times you have to walk, the times you fight to get out the door, the PR's, and so much more that makes it all great! Coming in last is beating the millions of people that aren't on the track at that moment. Crossing the line-whether you are the first person or the last-doesn't change the line. We all cross the SAME one! 

So after the mile we ran an 800 time trial. I was not happy with myself and only made it 400m. I just needed an extra minute to regroup. Not to mention....it was HOT. SO HOT! SO MUGGY! Then, we finished our normal speed workout and all was good in the hood!

A few things I learned...
It doesn't get easier.
I am stronger.
I can run faster.
I really do not like 800s.
I can handle 200s and 400s.
Your best can vary depending on the day.
Warming up really does matter!
Fast and slow are words that do not define me as a runner.
Keep going!

I come back to this quote often. 

Now I am really excited for the fall training group to start this weekend. I signed up to be a mentor and that will be fun. I just know it. Taking my journey to another level! ;)



  1. Girl... I'll NEVER make a 5k under 30 minutes. You should be proud of your time. you are a SPEEDSTER to me!!!

  2. You are too sweet! Never say never!
